Missa Papae Marcelli 45 Sanctus amp Benedictus Palestrina The Tallis Scholars
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DEAR COPYRIGHT HOLDER, if you have any problems with this being on YouTube, please contact me, and I will remove it immediately. Thank you! • Palestrina 400 Collection • The Tallis Scholars, directed by Peter Phillips • http://www.thetallisscholars.co.uk/ • Playlist: • Missa Papae Marcelli - Palestrina - T... • The Tallis Scholars are a British vocal ensemble normally consisting of two singers per part, with a core group of ten singers. Formed in 1973 by their director Peter Phillips, they specialise in performing a cappella sacred vocal music written during the Renaissance by composers from all over Europe. They are currently recognised as one of the world-leaders in this field, having risen to a place of prominence among other professional ensembles. (Wikipedia) • Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525 or 1526 - 1594) was an Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best-known 16th-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition. He has had a lasting influence on the development of church music, and his work has often been seen as the culmination of Renaissance polyphony. (Wikipedia engl.) • Picture: Section of van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece. It is a very large and complex early 15th century Early Flemish polyptych panel painting. The altarpiece consists of 12 panels, eight of which are hinged shutters. They are painted on either side, giving two very distinct alternations depending on whether the outer wings are open and closed. Outside of Sundays and festive holidays the work was displayed with the outer wings closed, and was often covered with a cloth. The work was commissioned from Hubert van Eyck of whom little is known. Hubert was most likely responsible for the overall design, but died in 1426. It seems to have been principally executed and completed by his younger and better known brother Jan van Eyck between 1430 - 32. Although there have been extensive attempts by many art historians over the centuries to isolate the passages attributable to either brother, no separation has ever been convincingly established. Today most accept that the work was probably designed and constructed by Hubert, and that the individual panels were painted by Jan after his return from diplomatic duties in Spain. (Wikipedia)