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ブルガリア北部のドナウ川に位置するブルガリアのワイン生産者。100haのブドウ畑があるブティック、ファミリーワイナリーです。すべてのワインは手で集めたブドウから作られています。ワイナリーは、経済省によってブルガリアの2回ゴールデンワイナリーにノミネートされ、国際ワイン大会から100以上のメダルを持っています。 • Burgozone is a boutique family winery located on the south banks of the Danube river in Northern Bulgaria, facing Romania. The winery was named after the Roman fortress Burgozone located in the region. The winery is surrounded by its 100ha single vineyard and produces unique terroir wines influenced by the moderate continental climate, the porous loess soil and the proximity to the river. Burgozone has a philosophy that 80% of the quality of the wines comes from the grapes therefore the grapes are collected by hand collection of the grapes allows a thorough selection of the best ones. The proximity of the winery allows the grapes to arrive in best shape before being controlled again on the sorting table. Burgozone was nominated two times the Golden Winery of Bulgaria by the Bulgarian Ministry of economy and its wines have over 100 medals from the most prestigious international wine competitions. The style of the wines is the 3Fs - Fresh, Fruity and Fine. The wines of Burgozone are exported in four continents around the world. • www.burgozone.bg •   / burgozone   •   / burgozone   •   / burgozone  


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