The Badger Hydrovac™ pipeline


Pipelines have become the energy arteries of our country connecting states together to deliver the vital products businesses and consumers need. However, you cannot think about pipelines without thinking about excavation. • Underground utility excavation is one of Badger’s specialties. Our non-destructive pipeline excavation is critical to the safety, repair, and maintenance of oil, gas and petrochemical facilities for pipeline crossings or pipeline tie-ins. The Badger Hydrovac™ System delivers precise excavation in a variety of soil types, environmental conditions, and locations with limited access or in remote areas. Safe to use around sensitive, buried infrastructure this system is more productive than any other vacuum excavation unit on the market today. • With creative problem solving and superior implementation, Badger Daylighting™ contributes to the success of projects that demand precision, safety and cost savings. That is why Badger Daylighting™ is trusted by major oil and gas companies around the country. • Trust the Badger Hydrovac™ - Trust Badger Daylighting™ • Get an estimate today: • • #badgerhydrovac #badgerdaylighting #largesthydrovacfleet #textbadger #hydrovaccompany #oilgas #preciseexcavation #oilandgas #pipeline #pipelines #gaspipelines


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