Crash Bandicoot Walkthrough
I AM NOT UPLOADING ANY MORE WALKTHROUGHS TO THIS ACCOUNT. SUBSCRIBE HERE IF YOU THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO DO IT FOR: • / legoking831 • Edit: Holy heck this video has exploded. I didn't think what was mainly an experimental thing was going to get so many hits. Thanks to everyone who has viewed this video. • A walkthrough for one of the Playstation's biggest icons, Crash Bandicoot. This game is brutally difficult, but it's also an excellent game. This is a 100% walkthrough, meaning I get every gem. Unlike most people who like to backtrack to levels with their corresponding gem colors upon getting them, I decided to get every gem you can get the first time through and then traverse back to those levels. This was probably a bad idea, seeing how you get a colored gem on Lights Out, a level that requires a colored gem which isn't obtainable until later, but I think this walkthrough went well. You might notice between levels that there are some inconsistencies with the Wumpa and Life counters. This is because some levels took many attempts to go through, and when you restart the game you only get four lives. You didn't really think I played this whole game perfectly in one sitting, did you? Anyway, on with the comments. • N. Sanity Beach: I used the cheap way to get across the crate bridge. This is an easy level, but it's the first, what do you expect? • Jungle Rollers: Another easy one. • The Great Gate: Another easy one. I'm bored. • Boulders: The second level I can actually get the gem on. It's a total walk in the park too. • Upstream: This requires a colored gem, so I can't get it yet. • Papu Papu: Easy, easy, easy boss. Wow, it's ironic to think these early levels are so easy. • Rolling Stones: ANOTHER easy level. By the way, get used to seeing me fail the Brio stages. • Hog Wild: And we get another gem. • Native Fortress: Self-explanatory. • Up the Creek: The part off the side of the waterfall can be annoying, but I managed to pull it off. • Ripper Roo: Big TNT? Are you out of your mind? Oh wait, he always is. • The Lost City: Oh boy. This is where it gets tough. I somehow managed to get the gem on my first try, though. If you don't know, this is the only Crash game where you have to get all the boxes to get the gem all without dying upon reaching a check point. That's simply sadistic. I made this level look a lot easier than it actually is. When I was younger, this was the part where I began to throw my controller at the screen. Thankfully you get the green gem for all your efforts, and that gets very rewarding in a later level. • Temple Ruins: Again, first try. When did I get so good? This level seemed so hard for me back then, and now I don't think it's that bad. I still have never gotten the gem on my first try here, though. • Road to Nowhere: Again, easy stuff. • Boulder Dash: It's pretty much the same as Boulders, except it requires a colored gem that I don't have yet. • Sunset Vista: Ugh. This level is really long, so getting the gem is annoying. It took several attempts, and you even got to see a failure here. I got the key to Whole Hog, but I didn't actually do that level until later. • Koala Kong: This is an interesting boss. You have to avoid spinning back those rocks into the mine carts or they won't hit him. • Heavy Machinery: Of course I'm leaving that failed attempt in. Yeah, got the gem on my second attempt. • Cortex Power: Not much to say. • Generator Room: A dark abyss, with screens of Cortex staring at you and eerie music. Nightmare fuel? You bet. This level took several attempts, but you get the orange gem so I guess that was okay with me. • Toxic Waste: This was embarrasing. Just watch. • Pinstripe: I can't think of a single boss in this game that was hard. • The High Road:! The one you saw before the cut was my first attempt, and the one of the death was about 15 attempts later. • Slippery Climb: This level is quite hard. You get the pink gem from it though, so that's good I guess. • Lights Out: Easy stuff. • Jaws of Darkness: This level had many attempts too, and a lot of them ended on the Cortex bonus. All that for another hard level. • Castle Machinery: Gotta love the 25 extra lives. • Nitrus Brio: My gosh the bosses are easy in this game. • The Lab: I used to hate this level with a passion. It did take many attempts to get past. By the way, the Tawna bonus stage doesn't save the completion of this level. How cruel is that? • Fumbling in the Dark: This is a really annoying level because spinning enemies can open unwanted Aku Aku boxes. This forces you to jump on several enemies. • Whole Hog: Only two attempts and I got it. • Revisits: I'll let you draw your own conclusions from these. • After getting the gems, I decided to first take on Cortex and then the Great Hall.