QuickRay Dental Xray Sensor with Kodak KDIS
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=34vZUALgqso
http://videodental.com/digital-sensor... • Hi this is Lee from Video Dental Concepts, demonstrating QuickRay Dental X-ray Sensors with Kodak Carestream Imaging software. • The operator has positioned the QuickRay sensor in the patients mouth for the first x-ray, then triggers the x-ray generator. The image is captured by QuickRay, and displayed onscreen. • The operator then re-positions the sensor and captures the next image, which is displayed and rotated using QuickRay. • The images are then returned to Kodak, where they are saved on the patient record in the Kodak database. • To inspect the quality of our sample images, please see our website at videodental.com.