This Crazy Girl Regrets Going To Jail After She Sees This


This Crazy Girl Regrets Going To Jail After She Sees This... (beyond scared straight) • This Tv series profiles unique juvenile crime prevention programs in prisons across the U.S. Each hourlong episode follows a handful of at-risk teenagers that have committed violent acts ranging from fighting to making terrorist threats as they attend a program, which includes an intensive one-day session in a prison. Inmates scream, yell, and threaten teens to purposely scare them to help these young people make better choices and avoid ending up in prison. Today we cover some unruly teens from the show that faced their match. • 5. Mom is Afraid of Her Own Son •    • Video   • This unruly teen is giving his mom the chills. At just 14 years old, Dylan has been using curse words at his mother and younger brother. On several occasions, he's been accused of bullying them too and using violence on them. There's truth in this because, at the filming of this episode, Dylan was unruly not listening to the producer of the show as he stormed out of the house. When confronted about raising his hands on his mom he denies forgetting that there’s actual footage of him doing so. • His little brother is extremely terrified of him since he bullies him often and even narrates of a time when Dylan put his hand over his mouth and nose threatening to end his life. His mother’s biggest concern is taking Dylan for the jail tour because he isn’t cooperating. Dylan believes that he isn’t a criminal and doesn’t do stuff that people go to jail for. However, the Richland police department was able to intervene and get him out of the house for the jail tour. Dylan was handcuffed and taken into custody aware that he was no longer in charge and had to take orders from the officers. • When he was sent to jail, he faced his fears when one of the inmates went for his designer sneakers. The house bully now turned into a timid mouse because he didn’t have the guts to ask for his shoes back. He started getting bullied and intimidated by the big guys at the cell and was warned about disrespecting his mother. Dylan knew at this point that the only person he could count on at his weakest point was his mother. This boy was so scared that all you could see in his face was fear and the need to run to his mother for comfort. • 4. Koko Can't Close His Mouth •    • Video   • At just 15 years of age, Koko is facing 8 felonies and is in some serious trouble. At the beginning of the clip, we can see Koko trying to put up a strong fight with the police by acting smart but he gets outsmarted because the officers could smell his fear. This young man claims that he’s a bad seed that gets away with a lot since he does whatever he wants. As if it wasn’t alarming enough that he’s been to juvenile 12 times yet he's just fifteen!!! This daredevil had the guts to shoot at a police officer which ended up with him getting charged with aggregated assault. With such reckless behaviour, it's not shocking to discover that he's part of a gang called “Yung Brew” and even has tattoos to prove his loyalty to the mentioned blood gang. • His mom is tired of his unruly behaviour and considers him a dangerous criminal and a menace to society that needs to be contained. At the time of recording this episode, his sister came with the news that her brother Koko was involved in a carjacking and is wanted for stealing a car. When his mother tries to confront him, he yells back and walks away from her disregarding her authority. According to his mom, she has tried everything including counselling but nothing worked so she chose the jail tour program with the hope of getting him straight. • Subscribe to Viral Now: • More Viral Now videos: • Dr. Phil Can't Handle this girl    • Video   • 10 Things The Pawn Stars Don’t Want You To Know!    • 10 Things The Pawn Stars Don’t Want Y...   • Top 10 TALLEST Waterslides IN THE WORLD!!    • Top 10 TALLEST Waterslides IN THE WOR...   • 9 Extinct Animals Being Brought Back To Life    • 9 Extinct Animals Being Brought Back ...   • Unbelievable Animals That Saved People’s Lives!    • Video   • The End Of The Pawn Stars...?    • The End Of The Pawn Stars...?   • Rarest Items EVER Sold on Pawn Stars!!    • Rarest Items EVER Sold on Pawn Stars!!   • 10 Shark Tank Deals That Will Go Down in History    • 10 Shark Tank Deals That Will Go Down...   • Top 10 MOST INSANE Waterslides YOU WON'T BELIEVE ACTUALLY EXIST!    • Top 10 MOST INSANE Waterslides YOU WO...   • 10 BIGGEST SHARK TANK Deals!!!    • 10 BIGGEST SHARK TANK Deals!!!   • Music Credits: • Ian Taylor •    • Old RuneScape Soundtrack: Yesteryear   • Leave a like for more shark tank, pawn stars, tv show, and business content. • family friendly pg clean


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