Restoration Antique Oak Roll Top Desk Part 1
Hi and welcome to this weeks video, where we take an antique oak roll top desk and do a bit of a restoration on it, to make it suitable to use as a desk to hold a computer. • • This has been quite a big project, involving lots of stripping and sanding, so we've decided to split it up over two videos. This is part one, where we concentrate on the base of the desk. So, it will be all about the repairs and refinishing of the drawer bases, drawers and centre panel. Part two will be about the top and putting it back together in it's final home, but that's a whole other story! • • We have't gone into great detail in the videos about the processes we used to restore the desk so we've listed them here: • 1. Used paint stripper to remove the old finish • 2. Cleaned off all old residue and remaining paint stripper with wire wool • 3. Gave each piece a wash to remove any remaining stripper • 4. Sanding, lots of it! • 5. Sealed using a hard wax/thinner solution (10% thinner) • 6. Light sanding with 320 grit • 7. Finished with beeswax polish applied with 0000 wire wool • 8. Buffed to a beautiful soft sheen • 9. Sit back and enjoy a cup of tea! • We're not profession rennovators just enthusiastic DIYers, upcyclers, repurposers, reusers or whatever other tag you'd like to give us BUT we do loads of research to enable us to do the best job that we possibly can. We love the way our reloved desk looks and are very proud of our efforts, we hope you love it as much as we do! • • You can see part two here: • Restoration - Antique Oak Roll Top De... • • Enjoy the video and remember to subscribe and hit the bell to be notified when part two is available. • As always stay safe and well, and we'll see you on the next one. • Ritch and SJ.