三亚:隆平生物正式入驻崖州湾科技城再添新动能 Longping Biotechnology Settled in Sanya

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三亚:隆平生物正式入驻崖州湾科技城再添新动能 • LongpingBiotechnologySettled in Sanya • 日前,隆平生物技术(海南)有限公司正式入驻崖州湾科技城、新研发新实验室正式启用。 • Recently, the Longping Biotechnology (Hainan) Co., Ltd. has settled in the Yazhou Bay Sci-tech City. The new research and development laboratory was officially put into use. • 隆平生物技术(海南)有限公司团队是海南省首批“双百”人才团队之一,主要研究产业类型为热带高效农业。2019年5月,隆平生物在崖州湾科技城注册落户,依托“南繁种业硅谷”规划,重点研制生物育种的关键“芯片”技术,包括新基因发现、规模化遗传转化等。 • Its main research industry is tropical high-efficiency agriculture. In May 2019, Longping Biotechnology registered and settled in the Yazhou Bay Sci-tech City. Based on the Nanfan Seed Industry Silicon Valley plan, this company focuses on the development of _key chip technology for biological breeding, including new gene discovery and large-scale genetic transformation. • 同期:隆平生物技术(海南)有限公司法规与运营总监刘枫 • Liu Feng, Director, Regulations and Operations, Longping Biotechnology (Hainan) Co., LTD • 崖州湾科技城给了我们很大的支持,我们后续的这些生物技术的农作物的产品,都将在您看到的这个实验室中完成开发,并且逐步的商业化。 • The Yazhou Bay Sci-tech City has given us a lot of support. Our subsequent biotech crop products will be developed in this laboratory and gradually commercialized. • 作为首批入驻崖州湾科技城的生物技术高新企业之一,隆平生物先后提交十余项国家发明专利,落地于园区。同时,崖州湾科技城大力扶持符合园区主导产业发展的企业入驻,给予其办公场地和优惠政策支持,符合相关条件的企业还可申请崖州科技城定向项目支持科研经费、重大专项配套经费等。 • As one of the first set of biotechnology high-tech enterprises settled in the Yazhou Bay Sci-tech City, the Longping Biotechnology has submitted more than ten national invention patents and landed them in the park. At the same time, the Yazhou Bay Sci-tech City supports the establishment of enterprises that meet the development of the park’s leading industries.It also provides office space and preferential policy support. Companies that meet relevant conditions can apply for funds for the targeted projects and major special projects. • 同期:三亚崖州湾科技城管理局产业促进处主任余剑 • Yu Jian, Director, Industry Promotion Department, Yazhou Bay Sci-tech City Administration • 他们从入驻到技术成果研究转化,到最后应用,非常快。我们目前也是想以它为模板,来打造和创造一些可以复制或者推广的(运营模式),能带动我们园区一批高新技术企业的发展。 • They did well in settling and applying technological achievements. Now, we want to use it as a template to establish some operating models to drive the development of some high-tech enterprises in our park. • http://www.hnntv.cn/video/News/sstvne...


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