Necrotic Wake Boss Guide Mythic Dungeon Boss Guide


Necrotic Wake boss guide! Looking at the four boss fights in the Necrotic Wake Shadowlands dungeon on Mythic difficulty to prepare you for the fight mechanics. In the Necrotic Wake dungeon (found in Bastion in the Shadowlands) you'll fight Blightbone, Amarth the Harvester, Surgeon Stitchflesh and Nalthor the Rimebinder. Kyrian players can get a trash bonus in the Necrotic Wake by summoning their stewards near Malfunctioning Goliath NPCs, found after the first boss. • Against Blightbone, spread wide around the boss to avoid tagging multiple players with the Heaving Retch cone attack. It tracks, so don't run it into people. Carrion Worm adds will spawn- they need to be controlled with CC and killed before they gorge and explode. The tank can't pick them up so don't ask, they're busy dragging Blightbone out of Fetid Gas pools. • Against Amarth the Harvester, the name of the game is interrupting and killing adds, staying clear of their bodies and staying behind Amarth for the Necrotic Breath spray. Ambitious druids can Soothe off the enrage like our star Tassy in the video. • Against Surgeon Stitchflesh, tank the boss near but not right in front of the stage. Have players targeted by Meathook run between the add and the boss to aim the hook at him, then sidestep after the arrow changes and it locks into place. Ranged that aren't currently aiming can stay to the sides to avoid dropping pools in the aim zone. While the boss is on the ground, damage him and kite his fixate. • Against Nalthor, get out of the Frozen Binds rings before they're dispelled. Run during Comet Storm to avoid comets, damage off the Icebound Aegis absorb shield to stop the ice waves, and quickly complete the Exile hallway if chosen by running to the end (dodging swirls along the way) and killing the Zolramus Siphoner. • Catch a live stream from me on Twitch!   / hazelnuttygames   • Browse my streaming and recording gear, gaming stuff, fave teas and more on my Amazon Recommendations page here: • Follow me on Twitter:   / hazelnuttygames   • Support my channel on Patreon!   / hazelnuttygames   • Timestamps • 0:00 - Entrance and Kyrian Bonus • 0:24 - Blightbone • 1:28 - Amarth, the Harvester • 2:19 - Surgeon Stitchflesh • 4:06 - Nalthor the Rimebinder


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