How a Replogle Globe is made BrandmadeTV
How a Replogle Globe is made - BrandmadeTV • The Replogle Explorer Globe. Just when you were beginning to think the earth was flat. What started out as a business run out of a Chicago apartment has grown into one of the world’s greatest globe manufacturing companies. The company was founded on the principle of “a globe in every home” and they’ve made sure to keep that promise since the 1930s. They take their globe making very seriously, maintaining constant contact with embassies all over the world to make sure borders are kept current and correct. Replogle globes are the most accurate representation of the world. • -------------------------------------------------------------- • BrandmadeTV posts several videos a day, subscribe for more! • SHARE THIS VIDEO: • How a Replogle Globe is made - Brandm... • Follow BrandmadeTV: • MAIN CHANNEL: • FACEBOOK: / • TWITTER: / brandmadetv • WEBSITE: • INSTAGRAM: / • SNAPCHAT: • -------------------------------------------------------------- • The Replogle Explorer Globe. Just when you were beginning to think the earth was flat. What started out as a business run out of a Chicago apartment has grown into one of the world’s greatest globe manufacturing companies. The company was founded on the principle of “a globe in every home” and they’ve made sure to keep that promise since the 1930s. They take their globe making very seriously, maintaining constant contact with embassies all over the world to make sure borders are kept current and correct. Replogle globes are the most accurate representation of the world. • -------------------------------------------------------------- • If you see this, type “Wanderlust!” in the comments - and please LIKE/FAV! • -------------------------------------------------------------- • How a Replogle Globe is made - BrandmadeTV • © BrandmadeTV 2015 • This format and title of this program is protected under Copyright and Trademark Law and may not be emulated or re-created in any way without express consent in any territory worldwide.