BIG 80s Hair In 90 Seconds
Lets take a look at HUGE and BIG Hair in just 90 seconds to give you a nostalgia filled rush of HUGE CRAZY 80s Hair!! • Styles in the 80s were bright and big. The 80s hairstyles were no exception. Big, bigger, and biggest, the more hair, the better. • Having Huge BIG Hair was the coolest, and whether it was a Prom, going to the Mall, or hanging out with your friends on the corded phone.. Big Hair RULED!! • Whether you used Aqua Net, Dep, or Alberto VO5, your hair wasn’t ready for prime time until it reached all the way to the heavens and straight out past your shoulders. Permed, crimped, and/or teased to almost unbelievable heights, 80s hair was a veritable thing of beauty. • Perms, teased hair, and crimped hair were in. Even the guys heads were full of it, whether they wore a mullet or had a perm themselves. • Yep, the 80s might be known for a lot of things——synth-pop music, neon clothes, Bartles and Jaymes wine coolers, cheesy sitcoms——but we’ll always remember it best for the one thing that united us and defined us. BIG Hair. • After a decade of long-haired hippies who didn’t care what the mop on top of their head looked like, we suppose it was bound to happen. And not only did we kids of the 80s decide to actually wash our hair and style it a little, we did a complete 180 and then took it to a whole new altitude. Perhaps more than anything else, the 80s were known for big hair. And by big hair, we mean BIG hair. • Like, huge. • But maybe the best thing about the big hair that defined our favorite decade? The fact that it united pretty much everyone. Girls, boys, goth, prep, black, white, trailer trash, and richies…everyone, it seemed, did everything they could to make their hair be their biggest statement. • Of course it wasn’t just limited to us common folk, pop culture was inundated with big hair, too. From all-dude hair bands like Poison, Ratt, and Whitesnake, to all-dudette hair bands like The Bangles, they all got in on the action. And we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention one of the most big-hair-est videos of the 80s…Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody. • --- • 🛑 SUBSCRIBE to Retro Crunch ► • Retro and Nostalgia News about Current Pop Culture, Movies, Music, and Games that relates to all things Retro! I'm a Nostalgia Junkie. I collect old games, movies, toys, books, and memorabilia. I love talking about Nostalgia and Retro topics and keeping up with news about the things I love from way back when. • --- • 🛑 How to contact me! • ► Twitter - / retrocrunch84 • ► Facebook - / retrocrunch • --- • #80shair #the80s #bighair