Identical Twins Split Up for ONE WEEK for First Time EVER


Hi y'all, Brooklyn here! As #IdenticalTwins, can you believe Bailey and I have NEVER spent a week apart before? Since birth, we’ve been together pretty much every hour of every day, and it just feels STRANGE for us to be apart for long periods of time! How do y'all think we did? • βœ… We added a NEW SEASHELL necklace to our shop! Check it out HERE: • We know y'all loved our #TwinSwap video, that we decided to film a different kind of #twins video today! Bailey and I have spent at most 3 days apart before, very rarely ever more than 24 hours, but never this long! Bailey's boyfriend, Asa, and his family took a week long vacation, (to the BEACH πŸ™„), which was easier for her. For me, here at home alone... I just had to make my own fun. πŸ˜‚ • While Bailey was soaking up the sun, I spoke at a really amazing conference with my mom (@mindymcknight on IG), spent A LOT of time with Kamri and the rest of the fam, and got creative in how to spend me time away from Bailey. What do you guys think of my new swimsuit from Buc-ee’s?? Bailey is the one who generally tells me what I should and shouldn’t wear. I’m lost without her! πŸ˜‚ • It’s wild, because you really don’t realize how much you depend on someone until they aren’t there anymore. #TwinSisters She took my shoes (so I had to borrow Paisley's), as well as my mouthwash and other items that we share... all without informing me! Yet, I’m just so used to always having Bailey here to talk to and laugh with, so in many moments I honestly felt really alone! (I’m not crying, you’re crying… 😭) • Leave a comment below telling us which friend you wish was YOUR TWIN! πŸ‘― • Having a twin is seriously like having a built-in best friend! When we were little girls, we were almost offended when our parents offered to give us our own rooms. Now in college, our lives are naturally separating a bit, which is a good thing. We will remain best of friends even when we start our own families with our husbands. I couldn't have asked for a better twin than Bailey! • πŸ’‹'s - Brooklyn • _ • Where else can YOU FIND US??? • πŸ“Έ Instagram |   / brooklynandbailey   • πŸ₯ Twitter |   / brookandbailey   • πŸ‘€ Facebook |   / brooklynandbailey   • πŸ‘» SnapChat |   / brookandbailey   • ⏰ Tik Tok | @BrooklynAndBailey • 🎢 Spotify | • ☁️ SoundCloud |   / brooklynandbailey   • _ • STREAM our Original Music! 🎀🎢 • πŸ‘‰πŸ» Dance Like Me - • πŸ‘‰πŸ» Simple Things - • πŸ‘‰πŸ» What We're Made Of - • _ • FTC Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video. • _ • πŸ’₯SUPERFANSπŸ’₯: You can help us translate our uploads, and get credit below each video (and be our fav people ever}! Click here to help:


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