Secondary School 8 infrastructure Zhytomyr Ukraine


As part of the TUMI Challenges, TUMI supported the “Get to School Sustainably!” project in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. To address the lack of active mobility choices and the high rate of traffic accidents, resulting in an unsafe urban environment for school children, the infrastructure and capacity development project was implemented. The project aimed to shift modal split at Zhytomyr‘s public schools from motorized towards sustainable modes of transport. • The Secondary School No. 8 is one of the pilot schools that were selected for the project. To enable safer commutes to school for the students, infrastructure improvements such as the construction of a pedestrian crossing with a safety island, road signs and markings, proper lighting as well as bicycle racks were implemented and installed. In addition to the infrastructure changes, bicycle trainings for children were conducted and guidelines for cycling to school have been developed. • The project was implemented by the City Development Agency of Zhytomyr. • Read more here: https://www.transformative-mobility.o...


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