ZOO DUISBURG Wie funktioniert Forschung im DELFINARIUM 🐬 zoosmedia
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Many people ask themselves: How does research at the dolphinarium of Duisburg Zoo work? We asked the renowned researcher Prof. Vincent Janik from the University of St. Andrews about the research he's conducting. • He gives us an exciting insight into his work, which is currently focused on whether bottlenose dolphins can distinguish their own species from others through vocalizations. This is tremendously important in basic research to understand how the animals experience their world. • Research at dolphinariums is an important basis for comprehensive dolphin research. Thanks to Duisburg Zoo many research were conducted - most famous is probably the signature whistles: • ► • Geben sich Delfine NAMEN? 🐬 Forschung... • Duisburg's dolphinarium makes an important contribution to research and thus also to the protection of species because protection of whales needs knowledge about whales. Without research, no serious and successful conservation work is possible. • Modern dolphinariums are places of animal welfare. For example, bottlenose dolphins live longer in modern dolphinaria (Willis, 2011), are healthier (Fair et al., 2017), and less stressed than their wild counterparts (e.g. Monreal-Pawlowsky et al., 2017). They enjoy training and even pour out happiness hormones during training sessions with the principle of positive reinforcement (Clegg et al. (2018), Ridgway et al., 2014). • More than 80 of the world's most renowned scientists in this field support the husbandry of marine mammals in modern zoos and aquariums and emphasize the enormous importance of these animals for important conservation projects and science. • » more videos: https://goo.gl/fTEvgg • ···················································································· • ZOOS.MEDIA • ► Homepage: http://zoos.media/ • ► Never miss an episode: https://www.youtube.com/zoosmedia?sub... • ► Something new every day: / zoosmedia • ···················································································· • ZOOS.LOCATION • ► Website: http://www.zoo-duisburg.de/ • ► Conservation: http://www.zoo-duisburg.de/artenschutz/ • ► Our Playlist: https://goo.gl/sUQUhF • ···················································································· • ZOOS.FRIENDS • ► https://www.vdz-zoos.org/ • ► / theprozoosite • ► / dolphinariatruth-729987117081529 • ···················································································· • IMPRINT • ► http://zoos.media/contactimprint/?lan... • #duisburgzoo #research #zoosmatter #animals #zoos #dolphinarium #duisburg #dolphins #dolphinresearch #UniversityStAndrews