New York Film Academy Australia
ABN: 36 148 922 936 | CRICOS Code: 03366A | RTO Provider Number: 32484 • Our innovative learning-by-doing approach to teaching in the creative paradise of Gold Coast, Australia is aligned with the philosophy of our renowned New York Film Academy. Since 1992, the New York Film Academy has built a reputation as one of the premier hands-on intensive film and acting schools in the world. Additional NYFA campuses are also located in Los Angeles, and South Beach, Miami, with a year-round location in Florence, Italy. • In the heart of the innovative Queensland film industry, NYFA Australia students find themselves completely immersed in their course of study from day one, surrounded by award-winning faculty and working with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, and access to production sets on the world-famous Village Roadshow Studios. The project-based curriculum in our film school and acting schools are designed to reflect a real-world environment while encouraging students to explore their own creativity and passion. • Learn more on our website