WWNA at Home Newark USA quotExtractivism in Anthropology and Beyondquot



The WWNA at Home initiative consisted of in-person events hosted all over the world discussing WWNA 2024's theme Centering the Periphery . • • Newark, USA Extractivism in Anthropology and Beyond: How to Center the Periphery • Participants will receive a private tour of the exhibit MINE: What is Ours in the Wake of Extraction (https://exhibitions.lib.udel.edu/mine/). After that, they will meet outside Mechanical Hall or in a classroom (Alison Hall 131) to talk about how one of the concepts of the exhibit, extractivism, connects with the discipline's long experience of metaphorical (and sometimes literal) extractivism. Then, they will discuss how this practice can be challenged and how centering the periphery can help anthropology eliminate extractivism. • This activity is part of an anthropology course (ANTH 200 History of Anthropological Theory), but it is open to the public. • Hosted by Carla Guerrón Montero


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