Methylene Blue Updates
📢 Exciting update on Methylene Blue! 💙 • 🌟 Discover the incredible uses of Methylene Blue in Chronic Lyme, specifically in Bartonella and mitochondrial support. It's a game-changer! • 💊 Initially, I started with the lowest potency available, around 25mg. However, I noticed that some individuals were not responding or tolerating it well. • 🔍 But guess what? I've uncovered a San Diego pharmacy that now compounds Methylene Blue in lower potencies, providing more options for personalized treatment! • 📚 Want to dive deeper into this fascinating topic? Learn more about it in my video. • 💌 Don't forget to join my email newsletter! 📧 Every week, I share valuable updates on Lyme, chronic Lyme, treatments, and prevention. Stay informed and empowered! • • • Let's keep pushing boundaries and finding innovative solutions together! 💪💙 • #NicolaDucharme #ChronicLyme #MethyleneBlue #NewDiscoveries #StayInformed