St Jude Novena Day 5


St. Jude is the patron saint of lost causes and desperate situations, and is a friend to those in need. His intercession has helped many in their times of trial and tribulation. Pray this novena for your special intentions and St. Jude will intercede to the Holy Trinity on your behalf. • This novena has helped me find jobs, start a serious relationship and has aided me with other obstacles in my life. Remember, God knows what is best for us and He will only grant our intentions if they are what is best for us. Times of trial are tests from God, they may not leave us when we want them to, but these tests usually make us stronger and deepen our faith and trust in God’s plan. • I have found that throughout my life that St. Jude has been a great friend to all that seek his intercession and help in hopeless causes. • Please share your novena requests or testimonials about the power of this novena in the comments section below and God Bless! • Link to text for St. Jude Novena:


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