Skyrim Mods Summon The three Name Sovngarde Heroes PS4XBOX1
Summon the three name heroes of sovngarde, allows you to have three Of Them at a time. They will level up with to player to 300. I just set their starting level to 35. • • Jurgen Windcaller Shouts. • Become Ethereal • Fire Breath • Whirlwind Sprint. • Gormliath Golden-Hilt. • Become Ethereal • Dragonrend • Frost Breath • Ice Form • Nord Battle Cry • Unrelenting Force. • Ysgramor Doesnt have any shouts but he wields his own blade (Blade Of Ysgramor) He is more tanky than two. • No perks on these guys i like to leave them as default. • Ysgramor Bio. • Ysgramor was an Atmoran warrior and the leader of the Five Hundred Companions. He is one of the most legendary heroes of Men, who played a pivotal role in the ascendency of humans on the continent of Tamriel in the late Merethic Era, during the period known as The Return. • Ysgramor is also considered the first human historian, as he developed a runic transcription of Nordic speech based on Elvish principles. Ysgramor's lasting influence on human history across Tamriel earned him such sobriquets as the First Man, the Bringer of Words, and Harbinger of Us All in bardic tradition and the accounts of historians. • Jurgen Windcaller Bio. • During the War of Succession, in the middle of the Battle of Red Mountain, Jurgen Windcaller helped his fellow Nords in a war against the Dwemer and the Chimer. During the battle, the Dwemer and the Chimer completely annihilated the Nordic armies, forcing them out of Morrowind and back to Skyrim. • Gormliath Golden-Hilt. • Gormlaith Golden-Hilt was an ancient Nord heroine who helped overthrow the Dragons during the Dragon War in ancient times. She is famed for single-handedly slaying four dragons in one day. She can be seen on the Throat of the World and in Sovngarde. • Make sure to subscribe for more mod/showcase videos. • PS4: • XBOX1: