GCSE Chemistry Revision quotProperties of Ionic Compoundsquot
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For thousands of questions and detailed answers, check out our GCSE workbooks https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dr-Shaun-Don... • Great deals on workbooks for schools https://www.freesciencelessons.co.uk/... • In this video, we continue exploring ionic bonding, this time looking at the properties of ionic compounds. First we look at how ionic compounds form a giant ionic lattice held in place by strong electrostatic forces of attraction. We then look at why ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points. Finally, we explore why ionic compounds cannot conduct electricity when solids but can conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water. • This video is based on the AQA spec. This video may be appropriate for iGCSE / O Level Chemistry. Please consult your specification. The Amazon link above is an affiliate link. This provides a small commission which helps to support freesciencelessons. The cost remains the same to you. If you prefer not to use this, you can search Amazon for the Freesciencelessons workbooks. • Image credits: • Sodium chloride (By Ondřej Mangl - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...)