iCarly quotiGo One Directionquot Clip
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=3i391bIrAYc
http://Bit.ly/SubClevverTV - Click to Subscribe! • / clevvertv - Become a Fan! • / clevvertv - Follow Us! • • Are you shocked that Carly gave Harry Styles jungle worms ?!? We're definitely cracking up over here -- that is a clip from the upcoming, much talked-about episode of iCarly featuring the guys of One Direction. We heard that the storyline follows Harry pretending to be sick in order to get the attention of Carly and everyone's down to give him a taste of his own medicine -- in fact, the Harry sickness thing opens up a spot in the band for another popular iCarly character... Gibby! In fact, we actually asked Miranda about working with the dudes. Check it out! • • Alright, so that's the latest for now. Remember to check out iGo One Direction -- it hits Nickelodeon on Saturday, April 7 at 8pm eastern pacific. I'm Dana Ward in Hollywood. Don't forget to subscribe to ClevverTV for all of your entertainment news updates. Bye!