Ghosts Spiritualism and Suicide Laura Maxwell Michael Cummins amp Doug Harris
Laura's mother committed suicide due to tormenting spirits. She emphasizes Deliverance Ministry in preventing such tragedies. Deliverance Minister Michael Cummins adds insight. Interviewer: Doug Harris, LIVE Special Show for Halloween. Revelation TV, London. For all of this 2 hour show: • Ex Spiritualist New Ager Laura Maxwel... If you need advice or freedom from spiritual problems or spirits, please see my blog list of suggested Deliverance Ministries: • • Pastor Michael is anointed+experienced in bringing Christ's healing+freedom to people with occultic problems or 'poltergeist' type demonic activity in their homes.To contact Michael for advice or help, his email is [email protected] • He can visit or pray over the phone for you. • Can I plz emphasise what the speakers have said in other TV Shows + paraphrase it ... that often people use Deut 18 and other passages to be judgemental and bash people over the head with it! Instead, we remember Deut 18 was written for followers of God, reminding them of things they already knew - it wasn't written to angrily bash Occultists over the head. The speakers suggest instead we can lovingly share about the blessings of God as listed in Deut. for those that choose to follow Him, or with those who aren't following Him yet, Occultists included. • Deut. purpose was to remind folks that God has something better for them, He loves them +wants to bless them + doesn't want them cursed by Occult things. Deut. showed He wanted to bless them + bring them into a land of milk and honey + that He promised to send them a prophet + guidance, etc, so they wldn't need to seek guidance thru spirits, divination, etc. He loves them +wants to show them there is a better way. • So, I'd kindly ask if folk post comments, plz refrain from writing nasty things about folks of other beliefs, or about witches, mediums, etc. Neither Doug nor Michael speak thru anger, but thru love. • Having personally met both Doug+Michael several times I know that neither of them speak thru anger,but thru love.They both hav a love for Occultists+have worked with them for many years.As the scripture says Mercy triumphs over judgement. God's kindness leads people to repentance ... angrily bashing them with scripture doesn't. • Thankfully when I was a Spiritualist, I met kind Christians who showed me love,if I'd met angry Christians who were judgemental to me,it's possible I'd hav been 'pushed away' from considering the Gospel+never have come to Jesus.Thanks very much! GBY. • TAGS : Aquarius, New World Order, New Age, Enlightenment, Last Days,