A WholePerson Health Approach to MECFS Lessons for PostCOVID Conditions Full Event
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex multifactorial • disease that severely affects a person’s quality of life. Dr. Maria Vera Nunez, MD, MSBI, will describe current evidence of multiple body systems affected in this condition and a holistic whole-person approach to evaluating and treating patients with ME/CFS and Long COVID. Whole-person health is the term the NIH uses for integrative medicine approaches to patient care. One of Dr. Vera's patients, Kailey, describes how this approach has allowed her to better manage her chronic illness. Afterward, Dr. Kenneth Friedman, PhD, moderates a question an answer session. • Dr. Vera uses a whole-person health approach to evaluate patients with chronic, multi-system conditions, including ME/CFS and Long COVID. She uses advanced functional medicine testing to personalize treatments. She strives to create a partnership with her patients, considering their preferences and empowering them to acquire skills to support their healing process. • Dr. Maria Vera Nunez is a Board-certified Internal Medicine and Integrative Medicine physician, a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, and has a Master of Science degree in Medical Informatics. She was an Assistant Professor at Nova Southeastern University’s Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine, a national referral center for ME/CFS cases, for 7 years. Currently, she is an attending physician at the Whole Psychiatry and Brain Recovery Center in Maryland and a Research Assistant Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina. • Dr. Kenneth Friedman has contributed to three nationally-recognized primers on ME/CFS, written numerous articles about the disease in peer-reviewed journals, participated in the U.S. Department of Health’s Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee, and edited three medical journal issues focused on ME/CFS. • This program is part of “Sunday Conversations with MassME,” a monthly speaker series with discussion on a wide variety of topics. For more information about the Massachusetts ME/CFS FM Association, visit: http://www.massmecfs.org • For more resources from this event, including slides and links, go to: https://www.massmecfs.org/news-events... • • 00:00 Introduction • 3:01 Whole Person Health with Dr. Vera • 41:43 Patient Perspective • 45:33 Q A