የቆሸሸዉ ደሜን ሰጠሁት ክፍል ሁለት Simert Abebe paradigmshift berhantube asfawmelese ብርሃንቲዩብ Encounter

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My name is Smret Abebe, I am a child of God who was saved in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He was cured of HIV death by God's mercy: Today, through the PARADIGM SHIFT program the true witness of my whole life is my love, who tested me with death. 🙏 • On This Video was Let's become a family by subscribing to your channel ____አዘጋጅ : #ዮሴፍ መኳንንት • contact : +251 946 745 905 • ክፍል ሁለት • በብርሃን ቲዩብ የሚለቀቁ እንደነዚ ያሉ ምስክርነቶች ብዙ ሰዎች ጋር እንዲደርስ Share, Like, Subscriber በማድረግ አብረን ወንጌልን እናገልግል። • እንዲፀለይላቹ ለምትፈልጉ ሁሉ • 0994455427 • የዛሬ እንግዳችን : ስምረት አበበ • ስምረት አበበ እባላለሁ : በእግዚአብሔር ልጅ በጌታ በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ አምኜ የዳንኩ የእግዚአብሔር ልጅ ነኝ ። ከHIV ሞት በእግዚአብሔር ምሕረት ተፈውሼ : ዛሬ በ PARADIGM SHIFT ፕሮግራም የሕይወቴን ሙሉ እውነተኛ ምስክርነት የቆሸሸዉ ደሜን ሰጠሁት እነሆ ተጋበዙልኝ ። 🙏 ቻናላችሁን ሰብስክራይብ በማድረግ ቤተሰብ እንሁን PARADIGM SHIFTፕሮግራምን ማገዝ ምትፈልጉ ፦Ethiopia:- CBE 1000341228011 ዮሴፍ መኳንንት • CONTACT +251 946 745 905 SIMERT ABEBE PART TWO PARADIGM SHIFT #ሞት የፈተነዉ ፍቅር #የቆሸሸዉ ደሜን ሰጠሁት • my name is Smret Abebe, I am a child of God who was saved in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He was cured of HIV death by God's mercy: Today, through the PARADIGM SHIFT program the true witness of my whole የቆሸሸዉ ደሜን ሰጠሁት /Yekosheshew Demen Setehut. 🙏Let's become a family by subscribing to your channel SIMERT ABEBE PART TWO PARADIGM SHIFT • +251 946 745 905 #Love that tested death #christiantube #Testimony #PARADIGM SHIFT #ምስጋና #ሞት #YidenekachewTeka #berekettesfaye #ኢየሱስ_ክርስቶስ #ኢየሱስ #berhan #encounter #new_song, #babi_and_grace #Lawedeleh HagerunየPARADIGM SHIFT ቤተሰቦቻችን፤ በብርሃን ቲዩብ የሚለቀቁ እንደነዚ ያሉ ምስክርነቶች ብዙ ሰዎች ጋር እንዲደርስ ካሰባቹ Share, Like, በማድረግ አብረን ወንጌልን እናገልግል። For more information Ethiopian +251 946 745 905 / +251 924 346 435Telegram: - +251 900 302 057 / +251 924 346 435Whats Up :- +251 946 745 905 • @abenezerfikruandtsegadanie62 @ebstvWorldwide @-haddiszema @seifuonebs @marakiweg2023 @ComedianEshetuOFFICIAL @TeddyTadesseOFFICIALChannel @mikurabmedia2572 @yonatanakliluofficial @MARSILTVWORLDWIDE @prophethenokgirmajpstvworl8083 @propheteyuchufaamharic @abelbirhanu3world @MinewShewaTube @daniel64813 @BereketTesfayeOffical @realityshow7187 @FrieDagiFamily


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