Idiocracy Review


Buy Idiocracy on Amazon via my referral link: • For years, Science Fiction has depicted the future as bright and wise. Or horribly dark, yet still overall smart. Very rarely do you find stories that explore the idea of people getting dumber as time goes on, and in Idiocracy we see what such a concept looks like when explored by the creator of Beavis and Butthead, Mike Judge. Also, creator of King of the Hill... on the DVD it just says creator of Office Space as that was his latest big movie at the time. Unfortunately Fox didn't seem to think he knew what he was doing, and trusted the test audience's negative reactions to the film too much releasing it late with very little fanfare. On the plus side, that does explain why the movie is set in 2005, then 2505, yet came out in 2006. • Find my gaming channel at    / deckershadogaming   • Help support my channel at   / deckershado   • My facebook -   / deckershado   • Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado • Check out Ichabod Todd at    / ichabodtodd678  


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