What happens after loading a 1150 hours save

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Many of the issues regarding the time played on a save are already known, such as the erratic traffic behaviour, glitched cinematic view, some missions being impossible to complete and so on. This glitch gets as its worse when the Global Timer reaches 596 hours, 31 minutes and 23,647 seconds, which equates to 2 ^ 31=2.147.483.648 miliseconds (or 80000000 in Hexadecimal). • For some reason (I have no idea why), loading a save after it has reached exactly 1150 hours or more, a weird effect occurs. If saved with 1149 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds this will not occur. When loaded a save with at least 1150 hours, the time played will be reset back to 0, traffic and cinematic camera glitches will be fixed but you will be unable to start missions and save the game as the save pick ups will just disappear (even if you somehow manage get OM0, so starting King in Exile to get OM0 also wouldnt work). I tried using the savable Valet OM0 trick but that didnt work on this glitched save, so I used the tool On Mission Changer for turther testing. • Since after 1150 a save resets the played time, the only way to reach 1193 hours 2 minutes and 47,294 seconds is to play 43 hours in a single session without saving and laoding. This equates to 4.294.967.296 miliseconds (100000000 in Hex) but the game crashes, as the most it can handle is FFFFFFFF in Hex. • If anyone is interested in testing, here are the savefiles: • 1149 hours: • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nXus... • 1150 hours: • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n-4g... • This glitch san be easily avoided or fixed with external tools before reaching the 1150 hours playted by uploading you save to https://gtasnp.com/ • If anyone has an idea on how to somehow prevent Global Timer and Weather Timer from increasing, or somehow decrease them (without breaking the game like saving and loading after 1150 hours) using in-game glitches/methods, please let me know, as it is otherwise an unavoidable glitch if doing time consuming stuff like terrtory glitch, going for crazy records like longest Vigilante, longest 2 wheels, Duality score, etc....


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