Ashs Sacrifice Pokémon The First Movie Reaction Part 2
ROAD TO 5K • 💵(Support a Creator Code for Epic Games/Fortnite: LEGENDDM) • A reaction series has appeared! Join Francesca and I across the amazing world of Pokémon, as we react to every episode in the Kanto series! • ▶WATCH NOW: • Movie 1: The adventure explodes into action with the debut of Mewtwo, a bio-engineered Pokémon created from the DNA of Mew, one of the rarest Pokémon of all. • 📺 PATREON: / degra • 👽DISCORD: / discord • 🍋INSTAGRAM: / lemondegra • 💯TUMBLR: • 🐤TWITTER: / derk4able • 👾REDDIT: / degrareal • 💬FACEBOOK: / doodlevids • 📣SHOUTOUT TO OUR PATRONS: • Shyakugaun, Patrick, Ocean Utsho, mad_fan gaming, Charles Gyamfi • • *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. • • • TAGS: #DeGRA #Pokémon #reaction #review #episode #anime #ashketchum #misty #brock #professoroak #pikachu #pokeball #battle #teamrocket #kanto #wildpokemon #game #nintendo #gamefreak #pokemontrainer #pokemongym #fulllength #free #journey #travel #ost #opening #3kcreator #trendingnow #sub #movie #documentary #cards #series #tvshow #vines #meme #nursejoy #officerjenny #viridiancity #blindwave #thenormies #caterpie #meowth #metapod #butterfree #samurai #pokemonsword #pokemonshield #onix #clefairy #moonstone #mtmoon #nationaldex #pokedex #cascadebadge #ceruleancity #staryu #starmie #episode66 #vermillioncity #AJ #sandshrew #technical #filler #internationaldex #theme #bulbasaur #village #charmander #abandonment #drstone #fireforce #myheroacademia #squirtle #squirtlesquad #thunderbadge #raichu #thunderstone #demonslayer #stanne #shipwrecked #giovanni #trading #magikarp #stranded #starving #escape #alola #champion #league #giant #island #pokemonland #galar #satoshi #disaster #endoftheworld #tentacruel #horsea #banned #maidenspeak #ghost #ghastly #spooky #halloween #scary #horror #shiny #mating #babies #eggs #dating #psychic #sabrina #marshbadge #saffroncity #showdown #creepy #abra #haunter #lavendertown #terror #tower #gengar #hauntedhouse #dies #death #dead #hauntervskadabra #laughing #friendship #comedy #vs #origin #primeape #thrash #official #celadoncity #mankey #beatup #rage #rainbowbadge #erika #grasstype #disguise #perfume #gloom #sleepwaves #naptime #drowzee #hypno #detective #vulpix #fashion #punching #boxing #tournament #hitmonchan #hitmonlee #cheating #fuchsiacity #soulbadge #stalker #grimer #pollution #sludge #sick #magnemite #magneton #diglett #dugtrio #naruto #ninja #koga #venomoth #venonat #voltorb #amv #race #ranch #ponyta #dodrio #indigo #safarizone #tarzan #kangaskhankid #kangaskhan #poachers #bridge #bike #gang #cloyster #golem #psyduck #ditto #imitation #copy #clone #goodbye #lettinggo #sad #crying #letsgoeevee #eevee #jolteon #flareon #vaporeon #evolution #evolve #snorlax #kissing #pokeflute #electabuzz #scyther #darkcity #ketchup #exeggute #exeggutor #carnival #magic #charmeleon #paras #experience #love #jigglypuff #song #sing #concert #prehistoric #dinosaur #charizard #aerodactyl #fossil #doctor #ER #hospital #clinic #generalhospital #surgery #operation #chansey #vileplume #marriage #james #holymatrimony #wedding #growlithe #duck #farfetchd #stealing #thief #thieves #togepi #newborn #ivysaur #venusaur #mysterious #garden #pokemonjourneys #cops #robbers #voice #k9 #snap #pokemonsnap #todd #photograph #pic #film #camera #exam #test #arrested #breedingcenter #butch #cassady #grunts #princessfestival #dolls #lickitung #kidsday #hero #cinnabarisland #volcanobadge #dlc #riddle #quiz #magmar #blaine #blastoise #wartortle #mermaid #earthbadge #dewgong #seel #ballet #aliens #spaceship #rhydon #mewtwo #gary #mrmime #circus #lazy #tank #snow #blizzard #freezing #cuddle #snug #flashback #showdown #rival #shellder #slowbro #slowpoke #humungadunga #victor #surfing #waves #mew #thefirstmovie #mewtwostrikesback