An Evaluation of the Charismatic Gifts
Are the cessationists right when they say that the Charismatic gifts ceased by the end of the apostolic age, or, are the continuationists right for believing that the Charismatic gifts are still in operation today? In this episode we discuss chapter 1 of the book An Evaluation of Claims to the Charismatic Gifts by Douglas Judisch. • You can buy Judisch's book here: • • 4/12/22 Update: The link for Judisch's book is currently working! • Chapter One • The Means of Authentication • 13 Theses • 1. Utterance in unlearned tongues by the power of the Spirit is, like prophecy, utterance in words taught by God. • 2. Words taught by God demand from us complete acceptance and obedience. • 3. But not all utterances represented as being words taught by God actually are such. • 4. Utterances that are represented as being words taught by God when they actually are not such demand from us rejection. • 5. It is therefore essential to test carefully all utterances that are represented as being words taught by God, accepting and obeying those that pass the test and rejecting those that do not. • 6. If an utterance represented as being words taught by God has received the personal sanction of an apostle or of a man personally authenticated as a prophet by an apostle, we can conclude that the utterance actually is words taught by God. • 7. We know of no other test by which we could determine if an utterance represented as being words taught by God actually is such. • 8. We dare not conclude, therefore, that any utterance represented as being words taught by God actually is such if it has not received the personal sanction of an apostle or of a man personally authenticated as a prophet by an apostle. • 9. But no utterance of post-apostolic times can receive the personal sanction of an apostle. • 10. Nor do we know of any case in which a man personally authenticated as a prophet by an apostle gave his personal sanction, after the death of the apostles, to an utterance represented as being words taught by God or to the claim of another man to be a prophet. • 11. We dare not conclude, therefore, that any utterance of postapostolic times represented as being words taught by God actually is such. • 12. Any utterance of post-apostolic times represented as being words taught by God, therefore, demands from us rejection. (required by 5 and 11) • 13. We conclude therefore that any utterance of post-apostolic times represented as being prophecy or utterance in unlearned tongues by the power of the Spirit must be rejected. (follows from these 1 and 12) • Here is a link to where you can get the Pirate Christian t-shirt I'm wearing: • • • You can reach us at [email protected], or on Facebook at • / longfortruth • Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.