How Does a Guy Feel When You Block Him with 17 FACTS 😢😢😢


How does a guy feel when you block him? Check this video! • Blocking a person usually has a serious psychological impact on them. But, if perhaps you’ve been fighting with someone about one particular issue over and over and he seems not to budge, maybe this is an option you’d like to explore. • Wondering what’s going through his mind in this case? • If you’re curious to know, you need to watch this video right now. • If both of you are having problems that can be sorted out with a simple conversation, then blocking him is unnecessary. However, if your motive is to prove a point or pass across a silent message then blocking him usually proves to be more effective, since he may have to work more to reach you. • Two wrongs don’t make a right, so before you go ahead and block that guy, remember to ask yourself if it’s necessary. Most importantly, consider how he’d react when he realizes you have blocked him. • . • For any question about how a guy feels when being touched, leave your comment down below. • If you like this video, don't forget to give it a thumb up and share! • Also hit the subscribe button to support our channel! • #blockingaguy #howdoesaguyfeelwhenyoublockhim #howdoguysfeelwhengetblocked


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