How to survive homelessness with style
Team Gertee Rides Like the Wind • • Team Gertee Rides Like the Wind • Narrative slide show presentation about an alternative emergency housing idea called Gertee. The author talks about how and why she continues to build livable houses out of scraps, recycled, and gently used materials. More of an informational or inspirational show than a blow by blow tutorial. • All photos, except of the homeless man in the box, are originals taken by the author. The author's miniature models are used for close ups of the frame construction and of her several final decorating ideas. The first two lines at the opening are from the song 'Wouldn't it be loverly? in the musical My Fair Lady, sung by the author. Respectfully used w/o permission as a familiar quotation to emphasize the point of everything associated with Gertee. • Presented by Niki Raapana, an experimental builder and year round Gertee dweller in Alaska. The political views expressed by Ms. Raapana in this show do not necessarily reflect the views of anyone else associated with Go Gertee or of the many other people who build their own gertees around the world. • Note from Niki Raapana on April 12, 2011: • In the upcoming twenty year celebration of UN Local Agenda 21, Rio 2012, the members will define and suggest ways to implement a globally sustainable, Green Economy. What could be termed more authentically green than houses built of locally available materials, with people keeping an eye toward ways to recycle things on the way to the city dump? What has proven to be just as sustainable as anything else in human history? The village hut dweller. • Maybe during the next round of Earth Summits, the UN could look into freeing up some of the lush land they've taken, like their designated wildlife habitats, and think hard about releasing this land to locals, refugees and homeless. It's a Best Use imperative that would show the real level of human compassion in the UN and the depth of their desire to eliminate poverty. Landless people are always poor. If we're going to equalize everybody on the planet, then let's give everybody a chance to work for a piece of land. Get rid of the refugee camp ideology altogether, forget about building more FEMA trailer parks, and just decide to allow displaced people the space to build new villages and towns. And there is abandoned public space inside all American cities that could be infused with new life if only it had new owners. • The only way this will work is if the UN and it's USA followers lessen their established legal constraints and free up development of all local resources. We the people of planet earth must rid our nations of all the UN/EU/US globalist regulations protecting animals and plants over the survival of humans, so we people can relearn to survive off what's naturally available. • I've heard it said that every chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Any new global chain of economy must make room for solid people walking on solid ground who locally produce necessary commodities, such as food, clothing and shelter. Innovation happens when people operate unhindered by exorbitant fees, don't have to pay for unnecessary health, safety and green inspections, nor have to negotiate miles of red tape prior to building a shelter or opening a new business. Why does the UN find it necessary to emulate the Soviet Union? • The whole UN agenda promises to eliminate global poverty. But it looks like it's globalist regulations and globalist ideology that's causing global poverty. • The UN could start eliminating my poverty by giving up control over the 13 million acres they hold jointly with the US Park Service in south central Alaska. Then maybe my national government will let go of their hold and give settlers of European and Asian descent their piece of the pie, along with the millions of acres granted under Native land claims. An area rich in minerals, ore, wildlife and fish, the Copper River Basin is also good grazing and farm land. Has the UN/USA become like the Somoza family who refused to allow farming on 50% of Nicaragua's arable lands while their citizens starved?