Springtail Collembola Kengmor Mordýr Stökkmor Jarðvegsdýr
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Springtail - Entomobrya nivalis - or - Pogonognathellus longicornis / Tomerus longicornis - cosmopolitan springtail - Kengmor - Mordýr - Stökkmor - Kögurvængja - Коллемболы - 톡토기 - Ugróvillások - Colémbolos - Collembola - Entomobryidae - Kengmorsætt - Örsmátt skordýr - Hvítar pöddur - in West Sussex on Bindweed. Um 80 tegundir af stökkmor hafa fundist á Íslandi. Flest mordýr eru jarðvegsdýr sem lifa í jarðvegi eða gróðursverði og gegna þar mikilvægu hlutverki í niðurbroti. Sumar tegundir lifa þó uppi í gróðrinum. Surface-living invertebrates in grassland habitats - Springtails are mostly a nuisance pest, doing little damage to plants. They will chew roots in the soil where they’re located, and can inhibit plant hardiness. But they seldom do major damage. These nearly invisible bugs do not bite or sting and are generally harmless to humans. • Pogonognathellus longicornis The largest UK springtail, reaching 6 mm in length (not including the antennae). It has a unique way of coiling its antennae, which out-stretched are longer than its body length. The family (Tomoceridae) is recognised by the long 3rd antennal segment and the genus (Pogonognathellus) by the 3rd antennal segment tapering apically. Normally covered in dark scales, but as with Tomocerus these are easily shed giving pale coloured-specimens. See more: https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species... • Entomobrya nivalis - Juveniles usually live in the leaf litter of forests and migrate upward after becoming adults, living among lichens growing on trees. During winter, they shelter under loose portions of bark. See more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entomob... • Entomobryidae - Stærðarbreytileiki er töluverður en margar tegundir eru vel sýnilegar og jafnvel nokkuð áberandi þar sem þær halda sig gjarnan upp í gróðrinum, oft á trjábolum, jafnvel hátt uppi í trjám, stundum í iðandi fjölda. Bolurinn er staflaga. Höfuð beygist oft inn undir frambol sem þá myndar nokkurs konar keng eða kryppu. En helsta ættareinkennið er fjórði afturbolsliður í yfirstærð miðað við aðra liði. Stökkgaffall er stór og vel þroskaður. Bolurinn er stundum hreistraður og skrautlegur. Margar tegundir eru án hreisturs en hærðar í staðinn. Lesa meira: https://www.ni.is/biota/animalia/arth... • Mordýr eru langflest mjög smávaxin jarðvegsdýr, sum ósýnileg berum augum, önnur ívið stærri en það, 0,5-5 mm á lengd. Margar tegundir eru ljósar á lit en aðrar af ýmsum litum, gulum, fjólubláum, gráum, brúnum, jafnvel mislitar. Lesa meira: https://www.ni.is/biota/animalia/arth... • Springtails reproduce quickly, going from egg to adult stage in as little as four to six weeks. Mature males leave packets of sperm cells in the soil where they live. These are picked up by females as they lay their eggs, either in packets or singly. Depending on temperature conditions, the eggs hatch within five to ten days. Nymphs resemble the adults. During the five or six weeks they spend as nymphs, they go through several stages before becoming adults, molting and becoming larger in each. Outdoors, springtails can survive through an entire season, reproducing a number of times. Indoors, they can live as long as a year. See more: https://www.planetnatural.com/pest-pr... • Stökkmor er mikilvægur fyrir rotnun jurta- og dýraleifa og sums staðar erlendis er vitað að tugþúsundir stökkmora finnast á tiltölulega litlu svæði. Jafnvel er áætlað að allt að 100.000 einstaklingar gætu verið í einum rúmmetra af jarðvegi við bestu skilyrði. Lesa meira: https://www.visindavefur.is/svar.php?... • Springtails (Collembola) form the largest of the three lineages of modern hexapods that are no longer considered insects (the other two are the Protura and Diplura). Although the three orders are sometimes grouped together in a class called Entognatha because they have internal mouthparts, they do not appear to be any more closely related to one another than they are to all insects, which have external mouthparts. Some DNA sequence studies suggest that Collembola represent a separate evolutionary line from the other Hexapoda, but others disagree; this seems to be caused by widely divergent patterns of molecular evolution among the arthropods. See more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springtail