12 common words that sound the same but are different in Spanish

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In this lesson you are going to learn 12 super-important Spanish words that sound the same but have absolutely different meanings. These words are also among the most misspelled words in Spanish. And why is that you may ask. Well it is because they sound the same and are written in a different way, and because they are useful words that you need for everyday communication. I will also teach you many Spanish phrases, sayings, verbs, and verbal tenses that are related to these words. In this Spanish lesson you will also practice your Spanish comprehension because I speak a lot in Spanish. So why not? ¿Por qué no? Watch my lesson and improve your Spanish like a rockstar. The list for the words I explained in this video are below. You can check them and read the explanation ) • Saludos y abrazos de oso, • Ana :)) • If you feel you are learning Spanish with my videos, please consider making a donation. It helps me to make more videos and live. Gracias :) You can donate at: https://www.butterflyspanish.com/ or through PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/ButterflySpanish • You may want to watch this videos to learn more Spanish: • Spanish sentences that use only one word: •    • Learn Spanish in 20 minutes: 20 easy ...   • Express what is happening right now in Spanish: •    • How to express what's happening right...   • How to get somebody's attention in Spanish: •    • Learn Spanish: How to get someone's a...   • VEZ: la primera vez, the first time. • VES: What do you see? ¿Qué ves? • HAZ from the verb hacer: Haz tu tarea. Do your homework! • HAS from the verb haber. Has visto la película Blablabla? Have you seen the movie Blabla? • HECHO, a fact, es un hecho? What have you been doing? Qué has hecho? • ECHO: Make something go somewhere, giving it momentum, like to throw, but more informal. Used commonly in informal phrases like to take a nap, to throw a nap, voy a echarme una pestaña. PESTAÑA, eyelash, but commonly used for nap. • TUVO, had: he had, él tuvo, she had, ella tuvo, your (formal) had, usted tuvo. • TUBO: pipe. The pipe broke, se rompió el tubo. • VAYA: He wants me to go to the store. Quiere que vaya a la tienda. • VALLA, fence. Ya pusieron la valla, they placed the fence. • CEDA: from the verb ceder. • SEDA: silk. Me gusta la seda porque es suave. I like silk because it is soft. • ASIA: the continent • HACIA: Towards, to. Voy hacia tu casa. I am going towards your house, on the way. • COSER: to sew. I like sewing my clothes. Me gusta coser mi rompa • COCER: to make raw food edible, to cook it. Voy a cocer frijoles. I am going to cook beans. • VINO: He came and brought a bottle of wine. Vino y trajo una botella de vino. • PAPA: Pope and potato. El papa comió una papa al horno. The pope ate a baked potato. • IVA: IVA is a tax in Mexico. Impuesto al Valor Agregado, Value Added Tax. • IBA, I was going to...: I was going to your house and I remembered I forgot to unplug the iron so I went back. Iba a tu casa y me acordé que no desconecté la plancha y me regresé. • Se me olvidó. ¿Qué iba a decirte? I forgot, what was I going to tell you • Hola: hello, hi. • Ola: Wave in the ocean. • Remember a few important things: • Spaniards may not have a problem recognizing some of these words because they actually pronounce the z and the c different from the s . So cocer it would be something like cother for Spaniards. But in America where the majority of Spanish speakers live we do not make a difference in the sound which lead us to misspellings.


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