Main Nijaam Se Naina by Farid Ayaz amp Abu Mohammed 2009
The delicacy of locking eyes with the beloved and losing one’s heart to him combines in this song with a delightful disregard for social convention, represented by the gossiping neighbourhood women! A song of joyous love and surrender, from the poet Amir Khusro to his spiritual guide, Nizamuddin Auliya, it is sung here in a rousing way by the well-known qawwals Farid Ayaz and Abu Mohammed. • • *** • Find lyrics/translation of this song at • • Discover a universe of Bhakti, Sufi, Baul poetry and music at • *** • This particular rendition by Farid and Abu Sahab which lasts almost 23 minutes was sung in the Bangalore Festival of Kabir in 2009, and it is remarkable how distinct it is from the 2006 version of this song sung by them, which lasts less than eight minutes! (See Seen together these videos are a wonderful illustration of how the same qawwali can be so different in different moments and contexts, with different 'shers' interspersing it and with different musical digressions within it. In this rendition, Bulleshah walks merrily into this Amir Khusro poem, and there is even a short 'taraana' towards the end. • (Click on Settings for subtitles in English Hindi. Click ‘B’ on keyboard to remove the black background in subtitles.) • Fariduddin Ayaz and Abu Mohammad are acclaimed qawwals from Karachi, Pakistan and belong to the 700-year-old 'Qawwal Bachchon Ka Gharana' of Delhi. Their main guru has been their father, the legendary qawwal Munshi Raziuddin Ahmed Khan. They sing in Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, Pushto, Hindi, Poorbi, Persian, Arabic and Turkish, intermingling with aplomb the voice of Kabir with a range of Sufi poets including Jalaluddin Rumi, Sachal Sarmast, Zaheen Shah and others. Contact them at: +92-300-2105393, [email protected] • Contact them at: +92-300-2105393, [email protected] • This is one of a series of uploads for Ajab Shahar, a webspace dedicated to mystic poem and song, created by the Kabir Project team ( ; • Song Credits: • Lead Vocals Harmonium: Fariduddin Ayaz Abu Mohammed • Chorus Clapping: Ghulam Akram, Ali Akbar, Gayoor Ahmed, • Moiz-uddin, Mubark Haris, Zarrar Ahmed, Shah Laeegh-uddin, Shehzad Hussain • Dholak: Muhammad Ashfa, Muhammad Nawab Kallan • Translation: Vipul Rikhi • Video Credits: • Cameras: Tahireh Lal Vinay Dhodgeri • Editing: Shruti Kulkarni • Sound: Dipanshu Mitra • Sub-Titling: Anand Baskaran Vipul Rikhi • Collection: The Kabir Project • Place: Bangalore, India • Date of Recording: Mar 01, 2009