Catgirl Without Salad Walkthrough FULL GAME No Commentary
Check out this longplay of a quirky shooter from developer Wayforward! • 0:00 - Title Screen + Tutorial • 0:34 - Stage 1: The Radical Galaxy • 7:45 - Boss 1: Gunnar Crossbones • 12:46 - Stage 2 - The RPG Galaxy • 19:49 - Boss 2 - Chefinoff • 25:24 - Stage 3 - The Kawaii Galaxy • 32:28 - Boss 3 - Uramiko AKA Cat Grill • 40:04 - Credits • (Full disclosure - The PC version used for capture was purchased with my own money. But a review code for the Switch version was provided by the publisher) • Follow me on social media! • Facebook: / windycornertv • Twitter: / windycornertv • #wayforward #catgirl #shmup