20 can overload 10 OG Comet 10 Lemon Comet Cloralen Bleach paste

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=43d65UYrdCY

Well... The end WAS amazing. But you will just have to take my word for it for now... My phone for some reason stopped recording while I was hand-mixing in the final cans. I saved a bit of product, then added in more liquid to make a thick paste which was all lost 😫I hope you enjoy what I was able to post! When I realized it stopped recording I was about to start the rinse. I was so upset I cleaned up everything, took a shower, walked around a bit and then came back to have the rinse relax me. It for sure did the trick! • The porous sponges are Shorty's and they are amazing. I cut one in half, and it's okay smaller. ‪@shortygotsponges‬ created these and has them for sale. The big one though is so dang durable, creates the most amazing suds, and is so much fun to squeeze! I've been using them a lot in my videos lately and even dyed a few different colors! • If you are wanting to get some head over to: • https://shortygotsponges.square.site/ • Seriously, these sponges may outlive me and my children! • I will do another mega overload soon to make this up to you all! I'm not sure what the liquid will be, but give me your suggestions in the comments and I'll see what I can do! • 00:00 - Intro • 00:10 - 10 can Powder dumb into sink • 00:30 - Bleaches added • 00:54 - Squeezing starts • 14:11 - Squeezing the shorty's and then swapping them out • 15:58 - Block sponge added • 16:05 - Powder added • 16:36 - Powder Bomb! • 18:32 - Sponges being removed • 19:16 - Comet Cans being added - Sped up! • 19:35 - Comet Can pour • 22:06 - Where I die a little inside... Transition to ease the pain • 22:09 - Rinse Starts - I put the sponges in the sink and realized I hadn't hit record! • 26:30 - Second Rinse • ____________________________________ • Make sure to adjust the quality of video so you can enjoy the rich visuals! I record and upload in 4k. Adjust the speed to your liking, I know that some prefer faster videos and others like slower content, pick what's right for you! • I recycle ♻️ all of my creations! I use them to clean, I add them to future videos, and I share them with friends and family! • You can find me on Instagram: @asmrpowderpaste •   / asmrpowderpaste   • #asmr #asmrsponge #asmrcommunity #spongesqueezing #asmrsuds #spongesqueeze #spongeasmr #suds #sudsy #asmrcommunity #asmrsounds #asmr #asmrspongesqueezing #asmrsoap #asmrsuds #asmrtriggers #explore #satisfying #satisfyingsounds #satisfyingasmr #oddlysatisfying #relaxingsounds #relaxing #sleepaid #powder #powderbombs #overload #colorfulsqueezes • #asmrpowder #asmrsounds #cleaning #asmrpastemix #ajax #asmrcleaning #asmrcommunity #asmr #asmrajax #asmrartist #asmrbabypowder #asmrbakingsoda #asmrbubbles #asmrcomet #asmrcontent #asmrdifferentlanguages #asmrespañol #asmrenespañol #asmrfabuloso #asmrforsleep #asmrfun #asmrlaundrypowder #asmrlemoncometpowder #asmrlatino #asmrlove #asmrmexico #asmrnoises #asmrnotalking #asmrnewsponges #asmrnoise #asmroverload #asmroddlysatisfying #asmroddly #asmrpowder #asmrpastemix #asmrparadormir #asmrpressing #asmrrelajante #asmrrelaxation #asmrrelaxing #asmrrelax #asmrsounds #asmrspanish #asmrsonidos #asmrsound #asmrsoap #asmrsleep #asmrsatisfying #asmrsponge #asmrspongesqueezing #asmrtingles #asmrusa #asmrmexico #mexico #mexican #mrclean #fabuloso


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