Super Mario Maker How to Get the Mystery Mushroom
The only three things you need to know about the Mystery Mushroom in Super Mario Maker. • ------------------------------- • Connect with me: • Twitter: / arrowstotle • Twitch: / arrowstotle • Discord: / discord • Business Inquiries ‣ [email protected] • ------------------------------- • Preorder Super Mario Maker 2: • ------------------------------- • Welcome back archers! Looking to unlock the mystery mushroom in super mario maker? I’ve got you covered. • 1. What is a mystery mushroom? • Mystery Mushrooms allow you to change Mario into other characters using costumes that you have unlocked. • 2. How do I unlock the mystery mushroom? • To unlock the mystery mushroom to use in course maker, you have to unlock at least one mystery mushroom costume. There are two ways to do this: • a. Amiibo - When in the course maker mode, tap an amiibo against the gamepad. This will unlock that character’s costume as well as the mystery mushroom. • b. 100 mario challenge - The other option is to play the 100 mario challenge mode. You can play it on any setting, but I recommend easy mode as there are only 8 courses to complete. You are also able to skip any levels you do not like by holding the minus button. Once you finish all 8 courses you will be awarded with a new costume (with some fun non-amiibo ones) as well as the mystery mushroom. • 3. How do I use the mystery mushroom? • Go to Course Maker and select the 8-bit super mario brothers theme (it has to be this theme to work). Go into the second toolbar and it should be the first item. Drop a mystery mushroom item, then tap it to select what costume you want to put inside it (or do not select to make it random) • You can either put the mushroom into a ? block or just leave it out in the open to transform the player in your level. • If you have any other questions please leave a comment below or stop by our twitch channel!