Michael Jackson Off The Wall Bass Cover Play Along Tabs In Video
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=45fHSzJ6Ow4
BECOME A PATRON TO GET SONGS/TABS: / coversolutions • WEBPAGE: http://thecoversolutions.com • BUY TAB PLAYER (GO PLAYALONG): https://goplayalong.com/?c=coversolut... • BUY TAB EDITOR (GUITAR PRO): https://www.guitar-pro.com/#ae157 • TIP JAR: https://streamlabs.com/coversolutions • TWITCH: / coversolutions • INSTAGRAM: / thecoversolutions • FACEBOOK: / thecoversolutions • T-SHIRT/MUG/STICKER: https://teespring.com/cover-solutions • Tips And Comments: • Playing Sound: Played in a neutral position between the two pickups, all knobs in full volume. Playing with strength is important in this song, • Gear Sound: Well balanced sound, try adding some mid for the extra presence and boost some bass. Much treble will not work, keep it neutral or maybe just a bit. If you have a gain option, try lowing it down and control the tone just with volume. • Song: Try using the correct fingers for the main riff and keep a correct timing in the lines. The ghost notes are important in some parts, try keeping the string well muted in that case. • Need more tips? Just comment! • *All the tabs in this channel are created by me, if you have any advice in the transcription feel free to comment! • *Gear: Taurus t-24 Washburn 4 String Bass (D'addario .045 Standard Strings) - ESI Ugm-96 Interface - PC (Digital Processing)