19 A Medival Jousting Contest
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=45og4TtOLw4
Imagine the thunderous roar of the crowd as you mount your steed, the weight of your armor pressing down on your shoulders, and the lance trembling in your grip. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and fear, and the sun glares down mercilessly, casting long shadows across the jousting field. Your opponent, a hulking knight with a menacing glare, lowers his visor, and you do the same, your heart pounding in your chest like a war drum. The signal is given, and you charge forward, the ground shaking beneath the hooves of your horse. Time seems to slow as you close the distance, your focus narrowing to the tip of your opponent’s lance. In a split second, the world explodes in a cacophony of splintering wood and searing pain. You are thrown from your horse, the impact knocking the breath from your lungs and the world spinning around you. As you lie on the ground, the taste of blood in your mouth, you realize with a chilling dread that you cannot move. The crowd’s cheers turn to gasps and murmurs, and you see the victorious knight looming over you, his shadow swallowing you whole. The realization sinks in that you have not only lost the joust but perhaps your life as well, as darkness creeps in at the edges of your vision, and th e cold embrace of death begins to take hold... • • #horrorcommunity #Scary #Creepy #Spooky #Thriller #Suspense #Haunted #Ghosts #Paranormal #Supernatural #Darkness #Nightmare #Fear #Terror #Eerie #Macabre #Gothic #Mystery #Chilling #BoneChilling #Bloodcurdling #Frightening #HorrorStory #HorrorMovies #HorrorBooks #HorrorArt #HorrorCommunity #HorrorFan #HorrorLover #HorrorAddict #HorrorObsessed #HorrorFiction #HorrorWriter #HorrorDirector #HorrorFilm #HorrorShow #HorrorSeries #HorrorPodcast #HorrorGame #HorrorCosplay #HorrorMakeup #HorrorCostume #HorrorMerch #HorrorCollectibles #HorrorMemes #HorrorQuotes #HorrorTrivia # #HorrorCombatant #HorrorBattler #HorrorContender #HorrorChallenger #HorrorOpponent #HorrorRival #HorrorCompetitor #HorrorContestant #HorrorParticipant #HorrorPlayer #HorrorGamer #HorrorAthlete #HorrorSportsman #HorrorSportswoman #HorrorSports #HorrorGame #HorrorMatch #HorrorContest #HorrorCompetition #HorrorTournament #HorrorLeague #HorrorChampionship #HorrorCup #HorrorTrophy #HorrorMedal #HorrorAward #HorrorPrize #HorrorReward #HorrorRecognition #HorrorHonor #HorrorDistinction #HorrorAchievement #HorrorAccomplishment #HorrorSuccess #HorrorVictory #HorrorTriumph #HorrorWin #HorrorGlory #HorrorFame #HorrorRenown #HorrorPrestige #HorrorReputation #HorrorStatus #HorrorStanding #HorrorRank #HorrorPosition #HorrorLevel #HorrorGrade #HorrorClass #HorrorCategory #HorrorType #HorrorKind #HorrorSort #HorrorVariety #HorrorGenre #HorrorStyle #HorrorForm #HorrorMode #HorrorManner #HorrorMethod #HorrorApproach #HorrorTechnique #HorrorSkill #HorrorAbility #HorrorTalent #HorrorGift #HorrorKnack #HorrorFlair #HorrorAptitude #HorrorProficiency #HorrorCompetence #HorrorCapability #HorrorCapacity #HorrorPotential #HorrorPossibility #HorrorOpportunity #HorrorChance #HorrorProspect #HorrorPromise #HorrorHope #HorrorDream #HorrorVision #HorrorGoal #HorrorAim #HorrorObjective #HorrorTarget #HorrorPlan #HorrorStrategy #HorrorTactic #HorrorScheme #HorrorPlot #HorrorConspiracy #HorrorIntrigue #HorrorMystery #HorrorPuzzle #HorrorRiddle #HorrorEnigma #HorrorParadox #HorrorDilemma #HorrorQuandary #HorrorPredicament #HorrorPlight #HorrorTrouble #HorrorProblem #HorrorIssue #HorrorChallenge #HorrorDifficulty #HorrorObstacle #HorrorBarrier #HorrorHurdle #HorrorBlock #HorrorImpediment #HorrorComplication #HorrorSnag #HorrorCatch #HorrorPitfall #HorrorTrap #HorrorAmbush #HorrorAttack #HorrorAssault #HorrorStrike #HorrorRaid #HorrorInvasion #HorrorIncursion #HorrorIntrusion #HorrorInterference #HorrorIntervention #HorrorInterruption #HorrorDisruption #HorrorDisturbance #HorrorCommotion #HorrorChaos #HorrorMayhem #HorrorPandemonium #HorrorUproar #HorrorFrenzy #HorrorHysteria #HorrorPanic #HorrorAlarm #HorrorFear #HorrorDread #HorrorTerror #HorrorHorror #HorrorFright #HorrorShock #HorrorSurprise #HorrorAwe #HorrorWonder #HorrorAstonishment #HorrorAmazement #HorrorMarvel #HorrorMiracle #HorrorPhenomenon #HorrorSpectacle #HorrorShow #HorrorDisplay #HorrorExhibition #HorrorPresentation #HorrorPerformance #HorrorAct #HorrorScene #HorrorSequence #HorrorMoment #HorrorHighlight #HorrorClip #HorrorSnippet #HorrorTeaser #HorrorTrailer #HorrorPreview #HorrorPromo #HorrorAd #HorrorCommercial #HorrorSpot #HorrorCampaign #HorrorMarketing