Encuentro Internacional de Musulmanes en Granada Aniversario de la Mezquita Mayor
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=46BN__GjRDw
Annual international meeting of Muslims in the city of Granada, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Great Mosque. #islam #conversion #muslim • [Thanks to Emir Umar del Pozo for his willingness and to the entire Muslim community of Granada for their collaboration: Especially to brother Muhammad Tamimi for sending me his drone recordings; to sisters Safa Khloufi and Ouafa Haraja for their wonderful voices reciting casidas, to Dina Zarif for her poetry, to Farah Hernández for her conference, to the musical group Yinnan Al Ándalus, to the cooks and volunteers, and to the fuqara and faquiras who remember Allah] • 📌Subtitled Video • *To enable subtitles, click on CC (top right) and select the language in the settings. • 📌Support my work with a small donation, any help is appreciated... • Paypal https://www.paypal.me/elcanaldepaloma... • *Each video is produced by myself (recording, editing, translation, etc.) with great enthusiasm and dedication to offer the best... • 📩 [email protected] • 📌Follow me on Instagram: • / palomaruizdealmodovar • ✅This playlist of videos about Islam on my channel might interest you: • https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM...