BBRG PRESENTS Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on Situating Feminism


Can The Subaltern Speak? written by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak • Read by Sen Naomi Kirst-Schultz • This is an excerpt from the full book • Sorry this is fairly wordy, I stopped recording this once before because I was trying to be accessible not academic when I first kicked things off. buttttttt that's the point that Spivak makes. In order to be legitimized or recognized at all by those in power you have to speak the language of academia and institutionalized knowledge production. The margins are never welcome at the table or the conversations. • I threw some definitions together as I was recording of words that might be tough for someone just happening across it casually; • Subaltern - n. a person holding a subordinate position. • Episteme - In philosophy, a principle system of understanding, such as scientific knowledge or practical knowledge. • Denegation - n. a denial, contradiction, or refusal. • Palimpsest(ic) - n. (adj) something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form. • Historiography - the writing of history especially based on the critical examination of sources, the selection of particular details from the authentic materials in those sources, and the synthesis of those details into a narrative that stands the test of critical examination. • Patronymic - n./adj. a name derived from the name of a father or ancestor • Determinate, - adj. having exact and discernible limits or form. • Exigency - n. an urgent need or demand. • Concomitant - adj. naturally accompanying or associated with • Predication - n. an act or instance of asserting something: • Semiosis - Semiosis, or sign process, is any form of activity, conduct, or process that involves signs, including the production of meaning. A sign is anything that communicates a meaning, that is not the sign itself, to the interpreter of the sign. • Original text from my library: • • References from the text: • Foucault, M. (1980) Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977. Harvester Press, London. • Said, E 1984 Permission to Narrate • Derrida, J - Dissemination 1981 • R. GUHA, (ed.), Subaltern Studies—I: Writings on South Asian History and Society, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1982, 251 pp. • Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Translated by Daniel De Leon. New York, New York :Labor News, 1951 • Reference to a book by Foucault, I, Pierre Riviére, having **** (long and gruesome title), 1982 • My PDF library: • • Link to the channel: • • Feel free to share with folks you think would enjoy!


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