All watched over by machines of loving grace 2021 r25 HD
UPDATE: SEE 4K version at • All watched over by machines of lovin... • ---- • • Taking its title from the late American poet Richard Brautigan’s 1967 poem, “All watched over by machines of loving grace” is a short experimental film about our obsession, fetishization, and deification of technology. In our ongoing race to optimize and computerize, to ‘move fast break things’ in devotion to our holy missions of ‘growth’ and ‘progress’, we often fail to see – let alone to foresee – the undesirable consequences of our misjudged narrow intelligence. • As the boundaries between ‘nature’ and ‘artificial’, between ‘human’ and ‘technology’ are imaginary, non-existent, our efforts to tame nature and subdue her to our will, are in fact an endeavor to tame and imprison ourselves. • Technology alone cannot save us. Salvation does not lie in submission to technology. Neither is it in a rejection of technology. There is no either/or, as there is no divide between humanity and technology; technology is human, and thus natural. Rejection of technology is a rejection of humanity. To break out of this false dichotomy, we must adapt a holistic approach – to embrace not only technology, but all of humanity, all of nature – including technology. • The film was created using custom software based on state-of-the-art Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence algorithms. • The work is also a continuation of my ongoing research into Meaningful Human Control over generative systems – and in particular Deep Neural Networks – for creative expression. More information at