Understanding Perspectives PREEvision Tutorial
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=47phjiqLLVw
With perspectives, you can easily adjust the graphical user interface (GUI) of PREEvision. In this video you learn how to work with perspectives and how you can further optimize the GUI according to your needs. • This #PREEvision tutorial is part of the #PREElearning video series: • PREElearning | Tutorial and How To Vi... • PREEvision is the premier tool for model-based development of distributed, embedded electric/electronic systems in the automotive industry and related fields. This engineering environment supports the entire technical development process in a single integrated application. More about our E/E engineering solution: https://www.vector.com/int/en/product... • We are open for feedback and suggestions for tutorial topics to cover in the future: https://www.vector.com/int/en/product... • Get notified when we release new videos by subscribing to our channel https://vector.com/youtube and hitting the notify bell.