All Funny Lunchables Get Mixed Up Fun Commercials
Just like Lunchables, Platy and Jackie embody and embrace mixed up fun. • And everything within the characters' realm is in service of this role. Through their less than normal physical appearance, their odd dynamic with each other, and their curious interaction with the world, this is the duo you need to get to know. • They look mixed up, act mixed up, and always make normal situations feel unexpected. Born out of a need to launch Kabobbles, they have grown to represent the Lunchables brand. And somehow these two oddballs happen to work beautifully together. • What Are They? • A Platypus and a Jackalope. Odd for sure, but in different ways. Platy is a real animal that looks part duck, otter, and beaver. And a Jackalope doesn't exist in the real world, so Jackie is straight out of folklore with a mixture of rabbit and antelope. • PLATY • Personality: Confident, Prickly, Quick-witted, Old-school, Traditional • Demeanor: Want to live life without too much interruption and avoid the spotlight. • JACKIE • Personality: Spontaneous, Instigator, Sidekick, Earnest, Innocent • Demeanor: Looking to find the fun in every moment. • Do Platy and Jackie have friends? • Platy and Jackie do interact with humans but are mostly unto themselves. That's not saying there are not other mixed-up characters in their lives, and you never know when you might hear from them. • Lunchables is a brand of food and snacks manufactured by Kraft Heinz in Chicago, Illinois, and marketed under the Oscar Mayer brand. • In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the product is sold as Dairylea Lunchables under the Dairylea brand. • Lunchables offers 26 different varieties of meal combinations, which include crackers, pizzas, chicken nuggets, small hot dogs, small burgers, nachos, subs, and wraps. • Kraft Heinz was looking to increase recognition and affinity for the Lunchables brand, and specifically their brand mascots, Platy and Jackie. Viacom and Nickelodeon worked hand-in-hand with the client to create and execute Nickelodeon’s first branded scripted series: • LUNCHABLES x NICKELODEON Jackie and Platy's Mixed Up Challenges - • #Lunchables #Jackie #Mixedupfun