How To Make A Fabric Minecraft Server Fabric Modded Server
How can you make a Fabric Minecraft server to start playing Fabric mods with your friends? Well, in this video, we show you exactly how to create a modded Fabric Minecraft server. This server can have any Fabric mods added to it from minimap mods to Fabric tech mods to just the FabricAPI, your modded Fabric server will be able to run them all! • Start your own 24 hour modded Fabric server with Apex Minecraft Hosting in under 5 minutes! • • Download Fabric: • Download Java: • Download The Jarfix: • Run.bat Text • java -jar fabric-server-launch.jar • Port Forwarding Guide: • Windows Defender Guide: • How To Allow Java Through Your Firewa... • Fix Broke Minecraft Servers!: • How To Fix a Broken Minecraft Server • Download Xaero’s Minimap: • Download Fabric API: • Download Mouse Tweaks: • --------------------------------------------- • ★ Minecraft Server IP: ► Store: • ★ Join BreakdownCraft on Discord!: • --------------------------------------------- • ► Subscribe!: • --------------------------------------------- • Install Fabric Mods Locally!: • How To Download Install Fabric Mods... • Fix A Broken Server!: • How To Fix a Broken Minecraft Server • --------------------------------------------- • *SOCIAL MEDIA* • Facebook: / breakdowncraft • Twitter: / breakdowncraft • Instagram: / breakdowncraft • --------------------------------------------- • About this video: In this video, we show you how to make a Fabric modded server in Minecraft. A Fabric Minecraft server will allow you to play any Fabric mods you want on a Minecraft server with your friends! This means that if there are Minecraft Fabric mods you’ve been wanting in a server, this video will show you how to add those Fabric mods to a Minecraft server so you can enjoy them. Thus, without anymore delay, let’s jump right on into how to start a Fabric modded Minecraft server! • First things first, you will need to download the Fabric installer. You can find a link to Fabric in the description above. That will actually take you to our Fabric mod tutorial. This will be needed for you and anyone who plays on your server to install Fabric locally. Once you are there, click on the yellow download Fabric button. This will take you to Fabric’s download page. On this page, click the ‘Download Installer (Universal/.jar)’ button. Fabric will then start downloading. Be sure to keep or save the file depending on your browser. • After the Fabric installer has downloaded, right-click on it, click open with, select Java, and click okay. The Fabric installer will then open up. Click install. Fabric will install locally into your Minecraft Launcher. Now, create a new folder on your desktop called 'Fabric Server'. Open the Fabric installer with Java again. This time click the 'Server' tab at the top of the installer. Click the three dots next to the install location and select the folder you created on your desktop. Then, click install. Click the 'Download server jar' button that appears. Finally, got the code in the 'command to start the server' box. • Open up the folder, right click, and create a new text document. Open that document, and paste the code you copied from the installer into it. Then, save that file as a 'run.bat' file. Double click on the run.bat file, and the server will try to start. It will fail though as we need to agree to the Minecraft EULA. Open the eula.txt file and change EULA=false to EULA=true. Save the EULA and start the server with the run.bat file again. This time your Fabric Minecraft server will start right on up. • To install Fabric mods on a Minecraft server, just add them to the 'mods' folder that is in your server's directory. You will also need to install the mods on your local mods folder. Then, start your server and open up Minecraft with the Fabric installation/profile. • Yon can join your server by using 'localhost' as your IP. For friends to join your server, you will need to port forward port 25565 on the TCP and UDP protocols. They will also need to install all the Fabric mods that are on the server locally on their computer as well. Then, they can join with your public IP. • Congratulations! You now know how to make a modded Minecraft Fabric server. If you have any questions about how to start a Fabric Minecraft server, let us know in the comments below. We will try to help you out. However, if we did teach you how to create a Fabric server, please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe. Thanks in advance! • Note: Some of the above links are affiliate links. I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you if you go to these sites and make a purchase.