Tips for a Panel Glue Up
Sign up for the free WWGOA newsletter to receive the latest videos, articles, and tips straight from the experts! • 🔨 • If you need wide, solid wood panels for your next project, you’re going to have to glue them up. Doing a good panel glue up isn’t hard, but there are specific steps you need to follow, and things you need to take care of, to make sure the panel glue up turns out well. A well composed panel can easily end up looking like one large piece of wood, with no seams at all. • WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? • There are a number of things to keep in mind as you work on gluing boards up to make a large panel. They include color match, grain pattern match, quality of the joints, amount of glue used, and more. You’ll learn about all of these things in this video. • Sign up for the free WWGOA newsletter to receive the latest videos, articles, and tips straight from the experts! • 🔨 • QUESTIONS WE’LL ANSWER FOR YOU • There are some very common questions about panel glue up that we’ll take care of for you in this video. Should you use biscuits or dominoes or dowels in the joint? How do you know the joints are sound? How much glue should be used? How large should the glue up be compared to the final panel required for the project? What’s the best way to handle squeeze out? You’ll get answers to all of these questions. • WANNA KNOW MORE? • This is a pretty comprehensive video, but WoodWorkers Guild of America has a great depth of information ready to help you out. If you want to go even more in depth, we’ve got it for you, and you can learn more on gluing up panels. • Sign up for the free WWGOA newsletter to receive the latest videos, articles, and tips straight from the experts! • 🔨 • 🔨 Learn more on the WWGOA website: