these people are awful lol girlysatan on Twitch
Clip from Earthbound play through with my friends!! • See more over at: • / girlysatan • Please check out my friends that are in call with me!! • / chefgobes • / gforce917 • I post a lot of funny clips but in my streams I hope to show, talk about, and educate people on chronic illness, mental health, and trauma. Most importantly I want to show how we can survive, flourish, and heal regardless of what was done to us. • • #shorts #twitch #twitchclips #twitchstreamer #ptsd #ptsdsymptoms #ptsdhealing #trauma #traumahealing #autistic #adhd #pots #potssyndrome #chronicillness #chronicpain #cptsd #csasurvivor #domesticviolencesurvivor #nonbinary #mexicanamerican #indigenous #disabled #polyamorous #mentalhealth #theythem #invisibleillness #earthbound #snes