High Stakes Treasure Map Guide Red Dead Redemption 2 RDR2

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How to solve the Red Dead Redemption 2 High Stakes treasure map quest • You'll need to track down this High Stakes treasure if you want to earn three gold bars? You actually pick up the Red Dead Redemption 2 High Stakes treasure map during a random encounter that can appear at a variety of points across The Red Dead Redemption world. You'll know it when you see a sketchy old man looking through some binoculars with some maps littered around. Ask him about the map he's holding, and he will get even more sketchy and leg it. Just hogtie him and loot him for the High Stakes Treasure Map • High Stakes treasure map 01 • The first map leads to to Cumberland Falls, which is a short distance east of Wallace Station, in the north of West Elizabeth. You'll need to follow the path along the east-side of the falls, along the stone pathway, as the map suggests. Head up the log through the actual falls, and there's a little cave behind the waterfall where you'll find the second Red Dead Redemption 2 High Stakes treasure map. • High Stakes treasure map 02 • The second High Stakes map will point you towards Barrow Lagoon, which is a frozen lake in the middle of the West Grizzlies, to the northwest of Valentine. Head up there and you'll see a log bridge over to the right hand side hanging between a little stone island on the lake. The third High Stakes treasure map is hidden in a hole in the middle of that log. • High Stakes treasure map 03 • The third High Stakes treasure map points you towards a winding, treacherous, and downright annoying path that winds around a cliff edge. It's located on a mountain to the southwest of Bacchus Station and northwest of Fort Wallace. Go to the position I am in the video and follow my lead. When you come to the area i stumble, the trick is to hug the wall and sprint up. • Head up the road northeast from Fort Wallace, as the map suggests, but then head up the unmarked road up the mountain to your right when you see it - the peak the map speaks of is technically just beyond it. • These gold bars can be sold at any Fence for $500 each, so you'll receive $1500 for completing this map. Now you can put all that into the donation box and surely the gang will be off to Tahiti • Some other videos of Mine!! • The Poisonous Trail Treasure    • The Poisonous Trail Treasure Map loca...   • Horseman challenge 10    • RDR2 Horseman Challenge 10 Guide - Al...   • All Dream Catchers, Dinosaur Bones and Rockcarvings in one path •    • RDR2 All Dream Catchers, Dinosaur Bon...   • All Grave Locations    • RDR2 All Grave Locations Red Dead Red...   • All Lady Slipper Orchids    • RDR2 Lady Slipper Orchid All Location...   • All Plant Locations:    • RDR2 All Plant Locations - Herbalist ...   • All Dream Catchers Locations    • RDR2 All Dream Catchers Locations - R...   • Stalker info: • Twitter:   / realdirtytyler   • Instagram:   / realdirtyty  . • Facebook:   / realdirtytyler  


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