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We'll lay out the Pros and Cons to these psoas release tools to help you choose which is right for you. Tightness in the iliacus and psoas (your primary hip flexors) is directly connected to many different kinds of pain throughout the body because this tightness rotates the pelvis and twists the body out of alignment. This tightness can cause or worsen sciatica pain, lower back pain, hip pain, pelvic pain, and even knee pain. • These are important and often overlooked muscles in unresolved pain. • We hope this post helps you figure out which product is best for you. If you want more information please visit us at https://www.alethahealth.com/ • Do you think your psoas is the cause of your problems or perhaps you know for a fact? We hope to help you identify the tool for you! • Hip Hook Benefits • We will start alphabetically with the Hip Hook. • The hip hook Has been designed meticulously to treat the iliopsoas (iliacus + psoas). By lying on the hip hook, you initially put pressure on the psoas muscle. Once the hook has sunk in and you have relaxed into it, it's now time for the magic. Utilizing angular pressure, pushing down on the lever, results in the hip hook pivoting up into the iliacus muscle, effectively releasing both hip flexor muscles. • Think about it this way: if you have #tighthipflexors that only tighten up when you stretch them, you require pressure. But you need to apply pressure to both the psoas and the iliacus muscle to release the entire iliopsoas muscle. • Only releasing the psoas and ignoring the iliacus; would be like only moving your front tires off the railroad tracks for an oncoming train; you might survive, but it's not the best decision. There are two parts to the iliopsoas, and the Hip Hook has been designed to use angular pressure and leverage to effectively release both in the same way a physical therapist or bodyworker would do manually. • Hip Hook Pso-Rite Comparison • The #hiphook is about precision, no different than a sniper rifle, the #psorite is a shotgun. It covers the spread. You can use the pso-rite on the glutes, hamstrings, calves, shoulder, pec, biceps etc. This will be perpendicular pressure (straight up and down), and you will not be able to effectively release the psoas and iliacus. Like any problem, you need the correct tool for the job. • Pso Rite vs Hip Hook Review • The makers of pso-rite brought psoas release into the mainstream, and we are so thankful for that. If you purchase the pso-rite and it provides you relief, that makes us so happy, as that fits with our mission of ridding the world of unnecessary pain. • The hip flexor complex is, well, complex. What may work for you may not work for others. That is why we genuinely want you to find the best tool for you! The pso-rite may work on your psoas, but it can't reach the iliacus effectively because it wasn't designed to do so. • If you have general hip or quad tightness and it's not causing you pain or getting in the way of your life, the pso-rite may be a good starting point as it allows for use elsewhere in the body. • Now, if the pso-rite didn't work for you, or if your hip flexors are causing pain in the hip, back, down into the knee or even up into the ribs, shoulder or neck. You NEED a precision tool to get at the muscle effectively to relieve that long-standing tension. • We only hope to provide the correct information so that you make the most informed decision. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions via our Instagram • / alethahealth • Contact us at [email protected] to see if the Hip Hook is right for you! • Learn more bout the hip hook here! • https://www.alethahealth.com/the-hip-...