Dark Souls 3 Valorheart Weapon Analysis Ashes Of Ariandel

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COMBO: 2:55 • OPEN THIS FOR THE BUILD!!! • DS3 PVP Strategy Guide for the New Ashes Of Ariandel DLC weapon, Valor Heart. • Come learn something new! • Please consider subscribing because you are awesome! :D • Build: LVL 120 Hollowing:99 • Vigor:35 • Attunement:6 • Endurance:40 • Vitality:13 • Strength:40 • Dexterity:40 • Intelligence:12 • Faith:12 • Luck:11 • Equipment: • • Valorheart +5 • Blessed Iron Shield +9 • The Deserter • Evangelist Hat • Deserter Armor • Conjurator Manchettes • Follower Boots • Ring of Favor+2 • Pontiffs Right Eye • Ring Of Steel Protection +1 • Chloranthy Ring +1 • Thanks for watching ! :D • • • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • • Whats going on guys, Soul here back with another weapon guide! And today we will be going over the new ValorHeart Sword and Shield Combo • So without taking up any more time, lets get right into the moveset! • • So, It's been a while since I've played but I shook the dust off and holy shit was I amazed with this weapon. • This Could probably be labeled as a God Tier weapon if the range wasnt ridiculously short. It's got speed, power and the ability to Block your opponents attacks while you are attacking! • It acts as if it has Hyper armor and can even poise straight through greatsword attacks and keep steam rolling through your opponent! • The best way I've been able to use this weapon was as a counter. Attack when you see your opponent attack and let the shield block the attacks for you. • The potential with this weapon is insane BUT there are a few MAJOR set backs of this weapon and We'll get into that shortly! • First off! Parry baiting. I honestly didnt really parry with this weapon because you dont really need to BUT I always kept the small iron shield on me just in case • The two shields kind of look similar and I was able to throw off my opponent by switching between them. • Charged R2's and Jumping attacks work just fine for baiting as usual, keep practicing your timing and you'll be playing the fuck out of your opponents in no time • Next The Weapon Arts The L2 R1 is a forward thrust with insane range! Best used for closing in on your opponent and ending combos if your opponent is trying to roll away. • But the L2 R2 is a shield bash. It can block pretty much any attack, no matter what weapon it is AND can be followed up with an R1 for a true combo. • But it also has the ability to instantly guard break turtling opponents. The range is as far as the Lion head reaches, you dont have to be right in their face like I am • Shout out to reddit user Unagi88 he helped me test the guard break abilities of this weapon. I appreciate the help dude, even though I tried to steal your scythes • Now the downfalls of this weapon! I told you before the weapon blocks while you attack so you can get some crazy kills with this, BUT this isnt always a good thing! • I was constantly getting guard broken when I first started using this weapon because I didnt know what the hell I was doing or what was happening. • DO NOT SPAM THIS WEAPON! Especially if your opponent has a Great or Ultra Great weapon. It will drain your stamina so quickly and get you absolutely wrecked! • • Now my favorite thing about this weapon, the combo! • The combo is R1 R1 R2 into a jumping attack and then topped off with the L2 R1 weapon art. This shit insta kills and has worked consistently for the last 48 hours I've been playing this game. • This combo is so disgusting and looks so fucking good pulling it off. • As everyone already knows the R1 R1 R2 combo has been known for a while but the 2 handed jumping attack has so much range it can catch people double rolling away from you • Follow it up with the L2 R1 weapon art if you see them retreating to clean up the kill • or if you see them getting ready to attack out of the combo, go into another R1 R1 since the recovery time and speed of the attacks is almost instant • So this is the end of the video hope you enjoyed this guide and I'd like to hear your thoughts on this weapon. • I honestly think that while this weapon does have some minor set backs it's a solid pvp weapon all around. • Not too powerful but not crappy either. What about you? • As always dont for Get to Like comment and subscribe as I will be back doing more guides and PvP videos int he coming weeks! • With that said, I 'll leave you with the rest of this fight and Peace the fuck out!


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