Use the motherboard to send Rebecca in the gondola (4:05). On the other side, she can raise the floodgate. The Industrial Water can be found a few rooms from here (6:25). Just across from the water is the Blue Chemical which when combined with the Red Chemical results in a Sulfuric Acid solution (7:20). Combine this with the Industrial Water to treat it. • After reuniting once again, have Billy give Rebecca a boost to grab the Empty Battery (13:30). Two Plague Crawlers will break out of the tubes after this. Combine the Empty Battery with the Treated Water and use the Battery on the forklift to get the Keycard (21:30). After making their way to the end of the Water Treatment Facility, Rebecca Billy finally come face to face with Marcus and discover the truth (26:15) • -- Watch live at / goosefacedkillah